Friday, April 22, 2022

Bowl Cozies Completed

Yesterday was a day of sunshine and warmth. The high got to 13.1C. This morning it is 6C and we are to have showers during the day. 


I started the morning out sweeping the floor before breakfast and it did look much better. I tidied up the kitchen in the afternoon and it helps. I need to get rid of a couple of things and it will be back to where I want it. I also worked on our taxes and hope to have them filed in the next 3 days.

The Spousal Unit had a fairly good day. He was in and out enjoying the sunshine. The lawn care company was in to put lime on the lawn and he talked to the head person while the trainee did the lawn. He worked on the puzzle for a while and claims he got one piece in. He is back to being interested in the puzzle again. 

We had to pick up grandson from school so we took a drive to go in the back way. We looked at the daffodils that are blooming and, the surprise, the forsythia bushes are coming into full bloom. Soon it will be the magnolia trees. Spring is coming slowly but surely. 

We had supper with family and while son and the Spousal Unit watched how grapes are harvested in Europe (interesting), daughter-in-law and I talked about several things including shopping tomorrow. It will be nice to get 3-4 hours of shopping as we do need things. We will go in our car as we can put the seats down and fill it up. Daughter-in-law and I enjoy shopping together as we have similar shopping habits. Son will take the other car in and they will watch grandson play soccer. We will have lunch together after the game is over.


I had over an hour in the sewing room yesterday. The bowl cozies are done and ready to be put into the Christmas gift box. Hopefully I can get the bowls tomorrow. If not the next time I go into the city.

They are really hard to photograph and I was in a hurry. They are heavier than the ones we have which could be the thickness of the batting. Different brands can do that.

Next up is piping and a doll's outfit. I'd like both done before the end of the month. 


None as we were out last night. 


I have laundry to do, clothes to fold, income tax to review, and a shopping list to put together. I hope to cut out the doll's outfit, and maybe knit some tonight. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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