Monday, April 18, 2022

Getting A Plan in Place

 Though yesterday morning was wet, yesterday afternoon was sunny and warmish. The high got to 10C. This morning the sun is shining and 3C. We are to see a high of 12C. 


Yesterday morning was a rough one. Besides being tired, the Spousal Unit was very agitated. He was having problems finding things. He had a nap and woke up as bad or worse than prior to napping. His mind was working overtime. 

Daughter-in-law came and took him for a drive after lunch. They got lost but managed to find their way home. The Spousal Unit had a nap and was better after he woke but I could still see agitation. We had a lovely Easter dinner with them and came home. When time for bed, he was the worst I've seen him since his trip to the ER. I had to monitor him for 40 minutes before I got him to bed. He seemed to settle down and when he woke at 1 a.m. he was over his spell. He was calm and relaxed. We slept until 6 a.m. and he is still calm and relaxed. He is still in bed at the time of writing this blog post.

I feel that I haven't been doing well enough looking after everything. I cried about that but have been reassured that I am doing okay. We are trying to get a plan in place so that I'm not feeling overwhelmed or just surviving. 

1. I am getting someone to clean the house every 2 weeks. 

2. I am going to continue decluttering some a couple of times a week. One small area at a time. 

3. I will hire someone to trim the hedge, edge our side of it and weed it for us this spring. We have a great company to do the lawn care. Grandson will help out twice a week mowing the lawn and weed whacking. 

4. The vegetable boxes and flowers will get planted as a family effort. The little greenhouse will be assembled and put under the deck. I will maintain it all as I love having the yard look nice.

5. I will sew and knit some every day I can. It is part of my self care which is important also. 

6. Meal planning will start when I can get grocery shopping. That way we will have meals on hand to eat if it is a rough day. 

7. Respite care will begin when it can. I will take full advantage of it to grocery shop and do a few things around the house (basement).


We go to the doctor's this morning and this afternoon grandson and I are taking the pop bottles/cans to recycle. That is today's decluttering. The Spousal Unit will spend time with son while that is being done. I may have to make a run to get prescriptions and a few food items. I would love to sew for a bit today also. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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