Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Rule #1 - Read the Instructions Before Sewing

Our weather has been the pits. Snow, cold, rain, wind, and ice pellets. The sun has tried to shine which is nice but we could use some warmer temperatures. The high yesterday was 0.6C. Today is suppose to be a bit warmer with a high of 4C. 


I have been off line as the Spousal Unit was very delusional. Everything was affecting him and he couldn't relate this to that. He paced inside and out, was highly sensitized, and very angry. It took two days of constant doing positive things with him to break the cycle (we think and hope). It will be doing positive things to keep him out of the cycle. 

I am waiting for a call for respite so I can get away to shop without worrying that he is okay. I was able to do that Sunday and was able to get items that we needed. Family is supporting so I can do that.

I was able to get some housework done and hope to do some more today. I am trying keep the house looking less cluttered (hard to do some days) and tidy. It is less confusing when flat surfaces have little on them. 


I got the placemats done as I could sit and hand sew while we watched TV. Once they were done, I wasn't able to sew anything new until yesterday.

I wanted to make a top that I had gotten a while ago. I decided to make it in a modern way to give to the little girl I sew for. It would be paired with a pleated skirt. 

I got the pleated skirt done and am thrilled with the results. The cotton pressed beautifully.

It is a bit longer than normal but not dowdy. I then cut out the top and started work on it. 

I should have read the instructions before tackling the top. I had at noon but didn't start the top for 3 hours. I put the lace on wrong -- the detailed part of the lace was to face the armhole. I folded the pleats the wrong way. They should face the center front. I now have to take it apart, draw the lines on again and redo it correctly. 

On the whole, I am thrilled with the top. It has a peplum on it that will cover the yoke of the skirt. The sleeves will be 3/4 length. I can actually see this top being historical in the right fabric paired with a long walking skirt to match.

I bought a Keepers Dolly Duds pattern I've been wanting for a long time. I was able to buy it from a Canadian seller on Etsy.

I want to make every item in this pattern and will start with the prairie dress and pinafore. I have the fabric for it. 


The socks are coming along. Both have had the heels turned and I've picked up the gusset stitches on one sock. I will knit another round on it and then start the gusset on the second sock. 


The goal is to clean the dining area to a minimalist look and then sew some on the top, do puzzle, and knit. 

Until the next time.......................................................... 

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