Friday, March 18, 2022

Mug Rugs Completed

Yesterday's weather was warm with a high of 13.2C. The sun shone quite a bit though the wind was cool. This morning it was 5C and we are to have another warm day though could bring sunshine. 


It was another busy day. The Spousal Unit was outside enjoying the sunshine in sheltered areas. He walked around quite a bit. We worked on puzzles twice during the day which he enjoyed a lot. I got him to do some chores after dinner which he loves. Last evening he had depression as the sun went down and it was like Monday. Same story and sadness as before. 

I got a load of laundry ready to fold, some floors swept and washed. It is good to get things done during the morning once again. 

I was less tired yesterday as I'm learning to relax a bit more. I'm less on edge but still worry about the next episode. Our doctor's appointment is not until Apr 11 as our doctor will be in isolation from travel. 


With the Spousal Unit in and out enjoying the day, I got the last 3 mug rugs finished. I am pleased with them to say the least. 

The backs have an envelope fold and I have to hand stitch the openings closed. I like the low contrast between the print and the side pieces as the gingerbread people become the focal point. 

I have to finish the gift bag next and clear the cutting table to start on the doll's dress I want to make. 

On Facebook, I saw these fabric boxes and loved them. 

The fabric is hard to find which I'm not worried about. It is how the baskets are constructed. Rather than turn them through a hole in the lining, you fold over a nice piece and stitch them top closed. The pattern shows a small size which I will make first as a trial run. Then I will make a bigger one that I can use as a gift basket. 


I am happily knitting on the socks. I will be putting down the sock I am working on and knitting the other sock to that stage. With only 106 grams of yarn, I am being careful. I should be able to knit the socks as the person has small feet. 


The goal is to start cleaning the living room and fold laundry. We will work on the puzzle and I hope to start hand stitching the placemats and work on the gift bag. Tonight we are going out so there will be no knitting. 

Until the next time...............................................................................

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