Friday, March 25, 2022

A Stressful 24 Hours

 Yesterday was cool with a high of 4.7C. The sun did shine and there wasn't much wind. This morning it is 1C and raining. The high is to get to 11C. 


It has been a very stressful time here. The Spousal Unit woke up Wednesday night having a delusion about the cat. I thought I had diffused it but he woke up having chest pains. It lasted about 5 minutes, eased off, moved to his stomach and back to his chest. I got him dressed and off to emergency. The long and short of it -- he had a stress/panic/anxiety attack that caused the chest pains. They did a full work up on his heart though and he stayed in all night as they needed blood work at 5 am and a chest X-ray at 7 am. 

I got a call from the emergency in the morning as the Spousal Unit had turned aggressive and verbal. I rushed in and took over getting him to X-ray. He was very upset as he thought the staff had stolen his coat, hat, and shirt. I had them and told him I so. His delusion moved to people stealing stuff from under our deck, then to picking patterns off the sheets and his gown. He was a mess and getting him home was a priority. He was happy to see our cat and daughter-in-law.

Once home, he settled a bit but was still super charged. He ate, paced, and talked. I tried to get him settled to have a nap and he'd get up and leave. Finally got him on the couch beside me, stroked his hand, and we napped for an hour. After lunch, he was outside for a bit and before he got super charged, we went for a drive to our family's. He sat and relaxed for an hour there. Brought him home, fed him supper (which daughter-in-law made for us) and into bed in good time. He slept most of the night and is feeling back to his normal this morning. He remembers part of his stay in the hospital but not from the time he became aggressive until after he had a nap.

I was tired as I only had 4 hours sleep plus the nap. I'm better this morning and will be monitoring both of us all day for tiredness. 


I finished the dress on Wednesday and got it photographed. 

It is a perfect dress for the sweater set I knit. 

I have chosen the next item to sew. It is a top that was a test pattern goodness knows when. 

I have everything to make it in the stash. I just need to find the fabric I want to use as I am going to make a pleated skirt to go with it. 


The sweater set was modeled and looks great. The dress is the perfect item to show case the sweater. 

I will be knitting this sweater once again as I have another outfit planned from an idea that the designer showed.

I have the legs done on both socks and am ready to knit the heel flap. Progress is being made slowly some days, quicker others. They will get done sometime in April. 


The plan is to clean the bathroom, do and fold laundry, and try to get the pattern and fabric ready for the doll's top. I may help with the puzzle, hand sew on a place mat, and knit tonight. 

Until the next time.......................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I am so sorry you and your husband are struggling so. I hope that the doctors can find a medication to help keep him settled.
