Wednesday, March 09, 2022

A Really Bad Day

 Yesterday the wind blew all day long and it was nerve wracking. The high got to 9.6C at midnight and it cooled off all day. This morning it is brighter, calmer, and cooler at -6C. 


It has been a rough 24 hours. The Spousal Unit is having another spell. It has been building up since yesterday morning. I thought I had diffused it several times but I didn't. It got worse when he discovered his keys were missing in the evening. I found them in the tool cabinet. We talked about the keys and I thought all was well. It really wasn't. It got worse when he went to bed and after lots of soothing words, and hugs he went to sleep. This morning he is just as bad off as he was before he went to sleep. He is wandering around, looking for his keys, seeing if things are out of place and talking about people being at our place yesterday bossing him around. We have to work through to the blow up and then he will settle down. Or at least I hope he will. At the moment, these spells come a week apart.

I am trying to remain calm but I do become frustrated. He only sees and hears what he wants to. I get tired as I'm on high alert monitoring him. I get the verbal abuse as everything falls on my shoulders. I am the person in the wrong unless I challenge him about it. I worry that I don't have enough in my toolbox to help him but it seems as if I do. I will survive this, recover, and be ready for the next spell. 


I got the second place mat done to the green thread. The third one is ready to quilt. Progress is being made.

I had to fill the bobbin yesterday and when I started quilting, the tension was off. I re-threaded the machine several times and then reinstalled the bobbin. It wasn't in properly causing the tension issues.


The sweater has been frogged and I will knit it again after I finish the hat. I am decreasing the crown now and hope to have it finished tonight. 


I am really not sure what is going to happen today. I am high alert with the Spousal Unit and his mental issues. It is a day if something gets done -- bonus. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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