Monday, March 14, 2022

Sewing Binding

 A quick report of how things are going. 

The Spousal Unit got over the worst spell he has ever had. He has had a couple of spells yesterday and this morning that I have been able to talk him down and back to the real world. He told me his mind is going crazy. It is a day by day situation. 

I am tired but coping. I rest when I can and got 5 hours to myself on Saturday. I also am trying to balance cleaning the house, sewing, knitting, and doing things with the Spousal Unit. It is hard but I'm learning as I go. I know we need less in this house so will begin purging as I am able to.


I am making progress on the placemats. Three of the 6 have binding sewn on them. 

I will hand sew the binding down while watching TV and talking to the Spousal Unit. 

I have been rustling around in the sewing room and have a few more items to donate to the quilter's guild. I have to take it over to our neighbor so she can take it to the guild meeting. I've decided, after much thought, to get rid of items I haven't looked at in the past 6 weeks. The rest I will keep and I hope that it will all fit into one 8 drawer tower. If I'm not going to use, I'm getting rid of it. 


The doll knitting is done and I haven't been able to photograph it. I will try to get one outfit done in the next couple of days. The other sweater and hat needs a dress made to go with it. 

I have set up a pair of socks and have about 15 rows knit on the first sock. I need to set up the second sock tonight. 

To date I have knit 5.5 balls of yarn which is equal to 550 grams or 1.2 lbs. The socks will be another 100 grams. More progress has been made. I am keeping track of the amount of yarn I knit this year in the stash shrinker data base. 


We are going for a drive and I hope to sew and purge a bit on the table that was set up for me to design doll clothes on. I want to knit tonight if all goes well.

Until the next time.....................................................

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear things are rough. Dementia is such a cruel disease for the caregivers. I, too am a caregiver, but not for dementia--just for two who can't completely take care of themselves. Caregiving definitely takes is toll. I hate that you have had to wait so long for medical assistance. Here in the states, we seem to get faster response for issues.

    Close friend cared for her mother with dementia as long as she could and then placed her in a caregiving place especially for her issues. At least her mother never got violent. I have know of some patients who have and the family was so stressed.

    And bless you--it seems as the years have gone by you have decluttered more times than I could count--at least as long as I have been reading here. Surprised if there is much left to "declutter." Do what you need to do as time permits for you. I wish you the absolute best dealing with all of these issues.
