Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Doll Outfit Completed

 Yesterday's weather was one that we wish we didn't have. The wind blew and the windchill kept the temperature feeling like -17 to -21C. The high got to -5.3C and the sun did shine. Today it is -16C with a windchill of -21C, the sun is suppose to shine and it is to get to -3C. We are to have snow tonight. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

A number of young people spent a pleasant evening at the residence of Mr Frank Busuett's. The chief ammusements were "measuring" to see "how high you live." One man of this place measure six feet. Gays River Mar 1 1900.


We did our fair share of complaining about the wind but it didn't seem to help. The Spousal Unit bundled up and shoveled the snow off the driveway and deck. He was in 3 times to warm up as the wind made it so cold outside. 

I spent the morning cleaning our bedroom. I moved the furniture around to vacuum, washed the floor, cleaned some of the furniture, and lastly wiped down the ceiling fan. The fan had a lot of white fluff on it and triggered an allergy attack. The bed was changed and made and it looked quite nice last night. I have a couple of things to finish up in there which will take a few minutes.

I didn't tackle the closets. I need to sit and think about some things. Most of one closet is storage. The other has our clothes in it. The feather duvets and pillows can't be sold until the fall. I will sort through some of the items when I come to a conclusion on what to do with them. The Christmas paper will be used up this year or it all goes into daughter-in-law's stash. My goal is to use more cloth bags this year. 

The Spousal Unit had a nap in the afternoon and woke up telling me people were in the house telling him what to do. He did talk about it but he was agitated and it continued all evening. He paced, checked to make sure the house was locked up, unplugged the coffee maker and kettle. I was tired but didn't blow up. He seems okay this morning after a fairly good night's sleep. 


The Boardwalk Boutique is completed and cute. 

I am okay with the ruffles though I am not a person who likes ruffles. It does add a summery element to the outfit. 

The back does show it as a halter top and is quite cute. 

Oh Sew Kat has 9 hacks for this pattern which I will be looking at some of them. I have already done the historical bloomers. 

Next on the cutting table will be the placemats. I want to cut out all the pieces before sewing. That way I will know if I need any more fabric as I may be short of the red and batting. 


The sweater was finished to button yesterday and it is cute.

I cast on the scarf and have done the increase row and part of row 2. There are 4 rows to the scarf but you are knitting 290 stitches. It takes time to knit. 


We are heading out to Coldbrook for apples and to mail 2 parcels. I need to stop at Walmart for a few items and then it will be home. We may stop for lunch though we don't like going into busy places. I hope to start cutting out the placemats and knit tonight. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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