Thursday, March 17, 2022

One More Mug Rug Completed

 Yesterday was sunny, cloudy, and warmish. The high got to 6.8C which was warmer than we thought. This morning it was 2C. We are to have a high of 13C with sun and clouds. 


Yesterday was a so-so day. Though nice outside, there is nothing to do. The ground is frozen. It was time to take some action so we put the old dead electronics into the car and went for a drive. We unloaded the dead electronics at a thrift shop that is a depot for that stuff and went for a drive. Though we usually enjoy the route we took, it was kind of boring yesterday. Nothing to really see. We talked about that. After we ate, I had him do a few chores which he happily did.

Though the Spousal Unit had mild depression yesterday, he is quite a bit happier this morning. He has been busy taking out the garbage and has been talking about things. 

I did get the dining room table cleaned off and some of the floors vacuumed. I need to wash those floors today if all goes well. I'm picking away at things as best as I can. The stress I feel makes me tired quite quickly and I'm battling the time change. I need to be more like Elliott.


I got the third mug rug done yesterday. I do what I can when I can. I did cut one more center and am ready to cut 2 more along with the 3 pieces of batting.

I am trying to have the centers of each mug rug different. 

The trash is gone from the sewing room and I need to deal with the recycling next. 

I walked over to our neighbors and took a basket of items to her. She is keeping the large pieces of fabric and the small rotary cutter/blades for herself. The kit and 45 mm rotary cutters will  go to the guild she belongs to.


I am knitting away on the socks and they are looking good. I can now knit and talk to the Spousal Unit at night as I have the pattern memorized. 


I am hoping to wash some floors, do a load of laundry, sew, and knit. We are to work on the puzzle today also. What else happens will be spur of the moment but I do need to find some chores that can be done by the Spousal Unit. Outdoors would be perfect but I'm at a loss for out there. 

Until the next time.........................................................................

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