Sunday, March 06, 2022

A Dumb Mistake

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds. The high got to -0.8C but the wind really blew most of the day. Today it is suppose to snow, then turn to ice pellets, then rain. The high is to get to 5C and then up to 10C during the night. 

Small History Nova Scotia by Sara Spike

The Amherst and Pictou hockey teams played a game in the Pictou rink. This was the most interesting game witnessed in Pictou this season and showed that the teams were very evenly matched;  4-3 Amherst. Mar 6 1900.


We headed out after breakfast to get some meat from Canning as the weather looked good. On our way we stopped at the quilt shop. When we headed up the road to Canning, we were surprised to see the road was covered with snow. The wind was blowing it off the fields in the wide open areas causing ground drift. We got our meat and came home and really enjoyed the trip. 

I put the puzzle away and was ready to move the Spousal Unit's puzzle to the table. He was a bit agitated so I left him be. A good hug later on fixed his agitation and he was fine for the rest of the day. He is fretting over news where we use to live and I have to tell him we no longer live there. This is not new as he has been doing this when he was well. 


I was glad I went to the quilt shop at 10 a.m. (opening time). It wasn't busy but they were expecting crowds during the day as there was a quilt retreat nearby. I got 2 meters of the red fabric for the placemats backing, a rotary cutter blade, ribbon, and big button covers. When I picked up the red fabric, I turned and this blue piece of fabric yelled at me. There was .8 meter left on the bolt so I got it. 

I saw a historical doll's dress out of this fabric. I am letting it perk in my head and have started looking at my patterns. 

I worked on the doll's apron after I laundered and starched the red fabric. It has to dry overnight. I hacked the pattern and got started. I made a mistake in my excitement and added the lace trim first. 

After the pain I went through to get the lace on, it is coming off and going into the trash can. I have to look for something else as it was the worst lace I've ever sewn on. The needle sounded like it was dull, there was a bit of a heavy spot in the lace and when the needle went down into it, it skewed the lace and stitching. I really don't know why I kept this lace. I must have been crazy when I put it back into the stash. Or it was a piece that was left over from the bateau and given to me for the dolls. There was about 16" of it.

I made my own bias binding using the bias maker that uses 1 3/8" wide fabric. I enjoyed that process and have to sew the pieces together to make the ties. Once the lace is off, I will do the binding on the sides and the ties. Then I will add new lace to the bottom of the apron. 


I worked on the sweater last night it is coming along. I have to follow the instructions as it has an eyelet pattern. While knitting I am watching the latest season (2021) of Escape to the Chateau. I enjoy it though Angel's style and mine are the exact opposite. I like less, she likes more. I do enjoy watching how they are restoring the chateau they bought 7 years ago in France.


It is a stay at home day with the weather. I will do some housework, sew, and knit. I hope to be able to spend some time helping the Spousal Unit on his puzzle. 

Until the next time...................................................

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