Saturday, December 11, 2021

Pandemic Thoughts

 Yesterday was a cool but sunny day. The high got to 2.3C which had to be around midnight. This morning it was 3C and the high today is to be 10C. We are under a rain warning. 


Yesterday saw the bathroom scrubbed and a load of laundry done before I crashed from exhaustion. I had a nap and felt somewhat better after that. 

The pandemic was announced 2 years ago and three months later the first case was announced in Nova Scotia. The Spousal Unit and I talked some about the past 21 months yesterday afternoon. That has been almost half of our time living here. We both admit we are tired of the pandemic but will continue to keep safe. We are happy we live in an area that seems to have had very few cases of the virus and in a province where we have had tough restrictions to keep everyone safe. 

Masks, social distancing, and hand sanitizer have become our normal when out and about. We both are vaccinated and are booked for our booster next week. We chose this as part of our tool box to stay safe. We have chosen to keep our social bubble small and to shop early in the day to be in less crowded stores. 

It has been hard mentally at times. We both have sunk into bouts of depression from the restrictions. We have argued about stupid things and had to go to our corners to cool off. But, we have done well considering what is going on around us. We realize this is happening to a lot more people than just us. We are survivors and will survive this even though we know the fourth wave is not over with and there will probably be a fifth wave. We will continue to plod along having our good and bad days.

There were 123 cases of the virus reported yesterday. Most are related to the X-ring ceremonies at a university in the Eastern Health Zone. The state of emergency has been renewed until Dec. 26 which I'm sure will be renewed again. I did read that in Great Britain they are finding having a booster helps people not getting sick from the Omicron variant of the virus. I do hope that is the case world wide. 


I cut the main pieces to size in yesterday morning. When I make mine, I will cut the main piece to 40" rather than 39". I like to have the extra inch just in case the piece shrinks some when quilting it. 

No sewing was done though I did read the website to see how to sew the pieces together. Next up is measuring, marking and snipping the end pieces to fit the curve onto the straight piece. 

I have given the link to the website. I am following her measurements and sewing directions. I did not cross hatch the pieces as one unit as I want this to be reversible with no seams showing. I also did not use foam. I used a very light weight cotton batting on all the pieces to reduce the bulk when sewing it together as a reversible cover. I often change up patterns to suit what I want to have as the end product.

There are several patterns on Pinterest for making Kitchen Aid mixer covers. I chose this one as it has the measurements for the Professional series which both daughter-in-law and I have. It also has pockets which I chose not to add. The attachments are kept in a cupboard.


The first sock has the foot knit and ready to start the toe. The second sock has been started and is about 1/4 - 1/3 done. Then I will switch colors for the toe part. I may have enough yarn left to knit another sweater for one of the Gotz dolls. Then that yarn will be gone. 


The goal is to sweep and mop the living room and prep it for Xmas decorating. That means putting up the tree and the quilted items put on the side tables. I need to put batteries into the candles and put out the red blankets on the chair and couch. I want to sew on the mixer cover and knit on the socks tonight. Another stay at home day as we are under a rain warning. 

Until the next time........................................................

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