Sunday, December 26, 2021

A Wonderful Christmas

 Our weather has been cool with lows of -7C the last few days. The highs have been hovering around 0C. The wind has been brutal until yesterday afternoon when it died down. Today is to have a high of 0C. 


We had a fabulous Christmas with our son, daughter-in-law, grandson and friends. We had great food, great discussions, and great laughs. We were tired when we came home but happy. 

We got lots of lovely gifts and were happy what we gave was well received. It was the hardest year yet to buy gifts due to changing environment in the pandemic. 

Like other countries, we have high numbers of cases with 611 reported on Dec. 24. That was down from the day before and nearly 9000 swabs were processed. We hope we have peaked but won't hold our breath. 


I made daughter-in-law a three layered mask on Christmas eve afternoon, took it over, brought it home to adjust it and returned it at dinner time. I am going to make her 3 more right away and then a couple more later on. 

I am going to spend a bit of time working on my list for 2022. I want to make more gifts this year. I have to think my plans through for ideas by googling and using Pinterest. I have some ideas in my head already. A few a month and I could be done by the end of November. 


The socks were put on immediately and both pairs are a bit long. They are worn at home only and could shrink in the laundry. They are warm and the extra padding under the heel was loved. 

I did knit several rounds on the mitt yesterday. Most of the time we were to busy doing other things like cooking. 

I will be plotting out when I want to knit socks over the course of the year. I have at least 6 pairs to knit and maybe more. I have lots of other items to knit also so will be busy most nights making something. 


We are tired and will be moving slowly. I want to get things cleaned up and put away. Once that is done, I will have a nap and take it easy. Dinner will be light as we are still full from all of the great food we ate yesterday. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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