Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Cleaning Started

 Yesterday we enjoyed the sunshine which lasted until noon. It turned cloudy after that and started to snow about 5:30 pm and has snowed most of the night. We had about 2.6 cm of snow up until midnight. The high yesterday was 2.6C. It was -1C this morning and the high today is to be 1C. We could see some snow flurries during the day. 


While the turkey stock was thawing and heating up, I got 3 lower cupboards scrubbed clean including the doors. The lazy Susan is empty except for the Kitchen Aid attachments and the new had blender I got for Christmas. All the cleaning supplies now fit under the sink with room to spare. 

I got the turkey soup into bags and frozen. There is enough for 2 pots of soup for January. The kitchen was tidied up from that job by noon which was wonderful. 

There were 561 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. The number of cases seems to have peaked and hopefully the spread is slowing down. The number of people in the hospital is 15 with 4 in ICU. It is still too early to see the impact of the virus. 


I have been playing with ideas for 2022 for quite a while now and, yesterday, I made a list of ideas for some Christmas gifts. It is a mess but it's a list of ideas. I have also put down other ideas I want to sew making it messier. They are all ideas at the moment as I've taken a challenge and started to declutter and clean the sewing room. 

For this challenge, you are to declutter then organize. As I have less than most people in the challenge, I am decluttering and cleaning an area at a time. I got out my notebook for items to buy and ideas of what I may want to make when I start sorting fabric.

The first picture I took as I walked into the room was the desk area. It was a mess as I've tossed patterns, fabric, paper, and whatever onto the surface and ignored it this month (and maybe last month too).

A closer look at the area that needs to be decluttered, organize, and cleaned. 

Everything came off the table and it was wiped down. I put some items away where they belong (buttons) and others are waiting for a home. Excess paper was put into the bag for recycling. Scraps of fabric were tossed into the garbage can. 

Next up was to clean the bins and the peg board. It was organized and 1 pen was tossed. Pattern pieces I need were folded and put back up on the peg board. When done, I stood back and admired how nice it looks. 

I still need to go to Ikea and get a cube, legs, and inserts so I can have the table clear of clutter. I also want another peg board to hang more items up onto. I also need to put the sewing machine box under the stairs.

What was left from the table was patterns I have tested. I put them onto the cutting table as I wasn't too sure what I wanted to do with them. I needed to think about it for the rest of the day.

All but three will be tossed. I can print them again if I want to make another outfit. The three I will keep will go back into the pattern filing system as they are patterns I will make again. 


I did a bit of knitting on the thumb. Not a lot as I kept having to take it apart until I was happy with the results. 


The goal today is to clean more in the kitchen. Three cupboards would be idea. I also want to polish the dishwasher as I did scrub it clean yesterday. In the sewing room, I want to start cleaning the closet after I wipe down the old desk. I have a box ready to put items into for the girl in BC. I hope to finish knitting the thumb on the mitt tonight. The Spousal Unit will be busy shoveling snow. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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