Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Knitting Bag Is Started

 Yesterday's weather was cold. The high got to -8C and the wind blew hard. You didn't want to be out in it. This morning, it is -12C and the wind is still blowing. It is suppose to get to -6C today and tomorrow is suppose to get to +6C. It is crazy weather here. 


I started to clean the bathroom yesterday. It is time to give it a spring cleaning. I will be going through the linen closet and cleaning it too. 

We kept hearing a thud noise in the basement and one of the pictures in the bathroom keeps falling off the wall. I'm not sure what I am going to do with it. I put double sided tape on the frame but that didn't work. The fabric is an issue on that picture. The other picture hasn't moved. 

I helped with the puzzle again yesterday. Shorter periods of time as I was tired. We got about 30-40 pieces in. We both felt like Elliott with the time change. 

There were no new cases of the virus reported yesterday. The people are doing well at controlling the spread of it in the province. 


The knitting bag is this pattern. 

I made it January 2018 for daughter-in-law in the cutest fabric. I knew I would make it for myself one day. The fabric I am using for the bag is this print. It was part of a line that featured cats and the balls of yarn. I just bought this piece. There was not cat print to match it.

I have to get fabric for the pockets. I have an idea of what I want. I need to get heavy craft interfacing for it also. 

I am looking at getting a new sewing machine. The Diamond I sew on is almost 12 years old. I would like to keep it for embroidery and making piping (have the piping foot for that). I am looking at a Juki that has a lot of stitches, a wide throat so I can comfortably quilt on it. I am also wanting a machine that stitches nicely and this one seems to fill the bill. With this machine, I can sew clothing, crafts items, and quilt. Though I tried to quilt on the Diamond, I was never really successful at getting even stitches. Cross hatching reusable grocery bags was hard to get an even stitch length which was frustrating. Some were long and some were tiny. The Diamond is more known for doing lovely embroidery than quilting. 


I knit on the doll's sweater last night and am 6 rows from finishing the collar. Sleeves and done. I quite like this pattern as it has been an easy knit. 


We are off to New Minas where I have an appointment with the respiratory therapist. I need my data read (it's good) and get supplies. We may do some grocery shopping, have lunch out and stop at the fabric store on the way home. I am not sure what I am going to do when we get home though I will probably launder the fabric I hope to buy. Knitting tonight. 

Until the next time..................................................

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