Tuesday, March 09, 2021

More Yarn and More Testing Done

 Yesterday was another sunny day. The high got to .5C. This morning it is sunny and -9C. It is suppose to get to 4C with chances of snow flurries and rain showers today. Tonight is suppose to be -4C. 


I was out to get groceries and a few notions in the city. In and out in 3 hours. I spent more time trying to find things than I've every done before. 

I admired the puzzle as the Spousal Unit had a good run on it while I was gone. I put in a few pieces that I saw; good luck on my part.

There were no cases of the virus reported yesterday. 


I was able to get ribbon for the bustle while shopping. That was great as it is hard to find. 

I sewed on the bodice (top) of the test pattern yesterday. First thing was to finish the skirt. Not a big job as it is an easy pattern. Next up was the bodice. I cut it out and then marked the pleats with thread and dritzed the darts on the front pieces. I carefully folded the pleats on the thread markings and stitched them in place and gave them a press. The darts were sewn and pressed. I am glad I took the extra time on the front as it looks really nice. 

The hem on the bodice is 1/2" and I am thinking of either binding it in white or trimming it with lace so it stands out. The collar and sleeve bands are in white linen. 

I was reading the comments on the test and one of the testers cuts out her darts on the pattern and traces them from the opening onto the fabric. I may have to try that. 

I have looked at this outfit and wanted to do couture sewing. It can be done but one must spend a lot of time which we don't have in this test. I also want to make the pleated skirt so I am doing a bit of couture and taking my time with the pleats and darts. 


I bought some more Mandala yarn to make something for daughter. I'm thinking of a messy bun hat for next winter. 

I love that it has a silver thread in it and the shades of blue are nicer than shown in the picture. I also bought 2 balls of navy sock yarn for testing. I noticed that I am getting down on this weight of yarn.

I worked on the little sweater and had a few cursable moments. I undid the sweater to the yarn over in the wrong place. I knit several rows and when it came time to do the cable, stitches slipped off the needle and I had to go back a row to fix it. This sweater is a curse. I am thinking of quitting this pattern for now and use the expensive yarn in something else.


I am making soup today so it is on the top of the agenda. I am going to try and finish tiding up the half of the sewing room I've cleaned and wash the floor. That will mean sorting and deciding, putting items into the thrift store boxes, and getting more put into the trash. I hope to get quite a bit done on the test pattern this afternoon. Tonight I may undo the knitting of the sweater and pick up another project and work on it while I wait for the next test pattern. A busy stay at home day. 

Until the next time..............................................

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