Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Started Cleaning The Sewing Room

 Yesterday was warm with a high of 4C. It did rain and the wind blew. This morning it is cold at -8C and the wind is howling. The plus - the sun is shining. It is suppose to be cold and windy today.


I hung one picture in the family room using 3M strips and they are really slick. I need more of those strips for the rest of the pictures. 

We went for a drive to look at the old Windsor Wear building. It was reported the roof caved in on the weekend. It was raining and the wind was blowing but we did see the area where the roof collapsed. 

With the wind blowing, I slept poorly last night. I awoke this morning to the wind whistling through the railing rungs and the table moving closer to the BBQ. 

There was 1 new case of the virus reported yesterday. The numbers have dropped dramatically which is wonderful. 


I started cleaning the sewing room yesterday morning. I started in an area that tubs of patterns are kept along with stuff I toss on top of the patterns. I sat on the floor and went through it all. 25 patterns went into the thrift shop box and 2 for daughter. I sorted all the stuff and put them into piles ready to be put away. 

Next step was to start on the closet. I grabbed the beading supplies and sorted it down from a mess in a couple of bags to an 8 x 8" basket. What was appropriate for the dolls went into the thrift shop boxes. I will buy the expensive wire I need and do more necklaces for the dolls. 

Once the bead supplies were contained, I moved onto fabric. I threw out a bunch that was useless or too small or too ugly. I put some into the thrift shop box. I then went through the fabric and sorted them out. The fancy fabrics were purged -- no cheap satin was kept. It drives me nuts when using it. What is left is in a tub. I then started putting cottons into their tubs. I sorted them and purged the pieces that are too small. 

Here is the mess when I stopped at noon. 

And a view that is just as embarrassing. 

There is a bag already for the garbage. And the cutting table is full of stuff that needs dealing with later. 

I left the mess and sewed in the afternoon. The red dress is ready for me to hand stitch the lining to the waist seam. It needs to be hemmed and the cumberband needs to be made. Almost done. So far I am happy with the results. 


I worked on the test sweater and am on the second sleeve. About 1/3 done it. It should be done tonight. Hat and scarf will be next. 


We were going to get apples but that trip is cancelled. The wind is blowing and I hate driving when it is this windy. I will work in the sewing room, hopefully finish the dress, and knit tonight. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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