Thursday, March 11, 2021

Book and Yarn Purge

 Yesterday was a beautiful day. The sun shone and we had a high of 7C. This morning it is cloudy and 0C. It is suppose to get to 12C today. 


I am having a flare up of arthritis and have been in pain for 5 days now. It really is hindering me in getting things done. It seems to be better this morning which is nice to have less pain. 

I worked in the sewing room yesterday. It was book and yarn day. I sorted through all my books and have a pile to go to the book store. I kept the ones I wanted and gave the ones that I've worked through. I kept all my sewing books as they still have a purpose for when I start sewing for myself. Once I'm finished sewing, they will be taken to the book store. 

The yarn bins were a real wake up call. I'm a #hoarder of small balls of yarn. Most I can't get any more and some I don't want to knit with. It is amazing how much I put in those bins that are useless. I have a great idea of what I have to knit with and won't need to buy yarn for quite a while. 

There was one case of the virus reported yesterday. It is related to travel outside of Atlantic Canada. 


I worked on the test pattern for 3.5 hours yesterday afternoon. I was exhausted when I finally stopped. 

I am ready to start turning the hem and hand sewing it in place with fine silk thread. Though complicated, the pattern did go together easily. Lots of pressing and clipping is needed but it's all part of the pattern. 

The back looks great also. I quite like this pattern and can't wait to see the bustle attached. 

I know I have quite a bit of hand sewing to do on the top and bustle but I'm excited I am at this stage of the outfit. 

I looked at the doll clothes books I have in the bookcase and I'm excited to work through some of the patterns when I have time. All are historical which I'm excited about. 


I got out the Daisy Stitch sweater and knit on it last night. It is an easy pattern to follow and I'm enjoying it a lot. I can watch Downton Abbey while knitting and admire the outfits. 

I am happy that I got rid of the bits of yarn that can't be made into anything. What is left can be knit up and enjoyed by myself, family, and the dolls. 


The goal is to continue cleaning the sewing room. I'm looking at pulling out the bookcase and cube, sweeping the floor and washing that small area. Then it's on to the doll's cube. I don't need to go through their clothes but I do need to tidy up their shelves, give it all a good cleaning and do the floor in that area. I want to sew on the doll's dress after I take down the Christmas lights. That is a priority job today. Tonight I plan on knitting. A busy day.

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