Monday, March 22, 2021

Knitting Basket Progress

Yesterday was a gloriously sunny day from start to finish. The high got to around 16C. There was some wind but it was bearable. This morning the temperature was 0C at 6 a.m. and it is to be sunny and warm again today. 


Though it was to be a day to rest yesterday, I ended up doing a lot more than I thought I would. I got 3 loads of laundry washed, dried, and folded, and the bathroom and kitchen cleaned up. 

The Spousal Unit was outside enjoying the nice weather. He pruned the trees and our neighbor helped him fix the shed door. It was poorly hung when made and the wind would blow it open. Now, it fits snugly and closes tightly. The extension on the down pipe of the eaves was also fixed. He did sit outside on the deck yesterday enjoying the sun.

There were 6 cases of the virus reported yesterday. All were from travel outside the region or close contacts of other known cases. 


I worked on the knitting bag yesterday. I measured 1/2" seam allowances so I knew where to sew and, in some cases where to stop. This allows me to be accurate when putting in the bottom section. It took quite a bit of sewing time to get the outside part done but I'm pleased with the results. 

Those big pockets will be perfect for larger items in the sewing basket. 

The other pockets are small for knitting needles. The end pieces each have pockets also. The lining is a repeat of the outside so there will be plenty of pockets for everything. The lining is marked so I can sew it together without getting up except to press.

At lunch I read Why I Got Rid Of My Stash and sat and thought for a few minutes. I am a project person who loves to start and finish the item I am making. The great joy comes from marrying pattern to fabric and notions. I really don't need a stash but I have one. I won't get rid of it as I can still marry patterns to the stash in the fabric. But, I'm trying not to buy more for the stash. If I buy fabric, it has to be used quickly so I can return my attention back to sewing the stash. 

I also haven't gotten rid of the stash as it has been useful during the pandemic when shops were shut down or we couldn't go into areas that were restricted to us. It has kept me sewing when we can't do much of anything in the community and while we wait for spring to arrive. This is the only time I've been grateful for having a stash. And because of that, I will sew it up rather than get rid of it. 


The daisy stitch sweater has been divided into fronts and backs and I'm ready to knit the first front. The picture is horrid but the best of the batch I took. 

Though yarn intensive, the pattern is cute. I am planning on keeping this one as it can have a historical vibe for Addy or one of the other dolls. 


We are heading out to get apples and go to the book store. Once home, I want to work on the knitting bag and knit on the sweater. I'm sure the Spousal Unit will be outside in the sunshine enjoying it.

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