Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Test Skirt Begun

Yesterday was warmer with a high of -0.8C. It was nice to have it that warm. This morning it is -3C as it has been most of the night, and we have a skiff of snow. We now await the ice pellets and freezing rain. Then it is to be cold again. The high today is suppose to get to 7C but I'm not sure as another site says 0C.


Yesterday morning I cleaned up a bit and then washed the floors. It was good to get that job done. I did it the easy way with Swiffer but I got it done. I need to was the floors on my hands and knees though. 

I helped with the puzzle yesterday. Not sure how much it was appreciated but I did get 5 or 6 pieces in and a large area placed in almost the right spot. I want to spend an afternoon helping. 

My IBS is flared up and it seems to be gluten. I've had a bit more gluten lately. Back to 1 item a day for the next several days. I've pretty much eliminated onion from my diet which has been helpful to realize I'm sensitive to the gluten.

My weight stalled with the IBS flare ups (as it always does) but I finally lost 1.7 lbs for a total of 17.3 lbs. I am starting to feel my clothes are getting loose. 

There was one case of the virus reported yesterday. We are back to travel outside the region or close contact of another case. 


I got the skirt for the test pattern cut out and I started to sew it. I got the yoke and shoulder parts done. I put lace on the straps and ran out so there will be no lace on the yoke. 

It fits like a charm though some have complained the shoulder straps are too long. I think they are needed to go over the puffy sleeves. 


I got the first sleeve finished last night. It is knitting up faster than I had thought. Three more evenings and it should be done and I can start the hat. Then it will be on to the next test pattern. 


With the storm coming in, we are staying home. I will do some housework, sew and knit for as long as possible. We may loose power with the freezing rain. I'm hoping not but one never knows. I also have to get gas for the generator. We will be able to have tea but no heat so it could be a bundle up in blankets and drink tea kind of evening. At least it won't be cold.

Until the next time.......................................................................

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