Wednesday, February 24, 2021

More Cleaning With Some Sewing

Though yesterday wasn't a sunny day, it was warmer than it has been for quite a while. The high got to 4C. This morning it is 0C and we are to see 5C. We sure hope it happens. 


The Spousal Unit went out and scraped a bit of slush off the driveway in the morning so it would be dry later in the day. Good plan on his part as that is exactly what happened. 

I spent 2 hours cleaning in the basement. The storage room is now deemed tidy except for 2 items that need to be disposed of. The plan I put in place worked. I sorted through 2 tubs and purged down to one. Doll clothes that I had put away were either put back in the doll's baskets or tossed. The two containers of painting stuff got put into one tub. I was happy when the job was done. No picture taken though. 

When done, I started cleaning the family room. I decided to start at the bottom of the stairs and work my way across the room. I got one strip done that is about 5 feet wide by 10 feet long. Stuff was put away or tossed. Furniture was wiped down well, floors were swept and scrubbed and everything put in it's right spot. 

I need to buy 6 fabric tubs for the cube so items can be stored out of sight. The cardboard box is there as I need it for trash while cleaning. It is very calm looking in that area and we love the minimalist look it is giving. We are both looking forward to seeing how this room will look when I'm done with it.

I did my glucose reading yesterday and it is back where I want it to be - the mid 5's. I think the high ones were from food still in my system. I did gain .4 lb and it could have been from that. I am down 2 lbs today for a total of 19.9 lbs. I'm happy about that as I'm moving more and easier. 

There were 4 cases of the virus reported yesterday. Travel, close contact from a previous case and one under investigation. We continue to be vigilant and stay home as much as possible. 


I did some sewing yesterday for the dolls. I wanted to make a simple skirt using pleather/faux leather. I have a couple of pieces in the doll's stash. The skirt pattern is very well drafted and went together easily. I put two snaps in the back rather than Velcro. 

The sweater I knit about a year ago. The color is a hard one to match to fabric so after much thought I decided on black. 

I looked at my sewing room and it is not the room I envisioned it to be. Rather than being minimalist and calming it is rather chaotic. I am coping with sewing in it but it will be dealt with after the family room is cleaned. In the meantime, I will keep it clean and sew in it. I am coping with it at this time. 

I've also been thinking about my job as a tester. I've been sticking with it as I do enjoy testing patterns. I've decided this is the last year I will be testing doll clothes. I think it is adding to the chaos in my life. I'm sewing what I have but there are times I don't have what is needed or I don't want to sew that item. I have to sew 1 item per month but sometimes we get pressured to do more. That interferes with other projects. It is time to say Dec. 31 I'm done. 


I finished the sweater and will steam it today. I started on the hat and need to look for another ball of yarn. I may be short about 6 grams of yarn.

I am still sitting on the fence about testing for the knitting group. I do enjoy it and have a few designers I love to test for. It also gives me something to do in the evenings. It it starts to interfere with other projects, I will leave the group. So far it hasn't. 


This morning it will be more cleaning in the family room. The chosen area is where we watch TV. I want to sew a dress this afternoon for the dolls. This evening I will knit on the beret with hopes I can finish it. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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