Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Knitted Sweater and Hat Done

 Though it was cool yesterday, the sun shone. And it had heat in it. The high got to -5C but you could see water dripping from the snow outside the back door. This morning it is -11C and the high should be about the same. And sunshine. A body loves the sunshine. 


I was out for blood tests yesterday and was tired the rest of the day. It is the stress of having them and once done, I relax and crash. It's a long story that has gone on since I was a child. 

I did get all the laundry folded and put away in the morning along with some kitchen clean up. I did push myself to do a few things.

The county widened the roads in our area yesterday morning with a huge machine. The operator was so good, he even cleaned out the mess he put in each driveway. 

The Spousal Unit also did more cleaning on the back deck. He did not touch the pile by the BBQ. He had to measure it (3 feet) and could start on it today.

There was one case of the virus reported yesterday. The latest ones have been related to travel outside of the province. With Newfoundland having 11 cases on Monday and 30 on Tuesday (after very low counts), we are reminded that the virus can spread easily and quickly. 


I swept the sewing room floor and then cut out three masks. Two are made and are in daughter's box to ship. The third one I will make for me. There is enough of the paisley fabric left to line a basket for the guest room. I will cut it out and put it away for later on. 

Once the paisley fabric is dealt with, I will do a bit more cleaning and then start other projects. Piping is first on the list. 


The hat for the set is done and pictures taken. I quite like the pattern on the sleeves and once I figured out the rhythm of it, it went fast. 

I put a pompom on the hat but I'm thinking of taking it off. I like the toque look more. 

Julie is now requesting new jeans. 

I cast on the Daisy Flower sweater and got 6 rows knit on it last night. 


I've been out for groceries already and they are put away. I want to do some housework, play in the sewing room, and knit on the Daisy Flower sweater. I may even cast on a sweater for Bentley, daughter's cat. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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