Wednesday, February 03, 2021

An Inside Kind Of Day

 It was quite the day weather wise. It snowed about 6" in no time flat and the wind howled. Then there was a bit of freezing rain which turned to rain. We watched it rain hard and blow hard for the rest of the day. The high got to almost 11C and we had 47mm of moisture. (Personally I think there was more moisture). Both broke records. Today we will have it warm (8C) with periods of rain this morning. 


The Spousal Unit was out twice and got half the driveway shoveled. He was very tired when he got done as the snow was wet and heavy. The heavy rain made it worse before it got better. Most of the snow is gone today. The road end of the driveway still has snow in it. Not a lot compared to yesterday. The plow truck did our road 4 times and filled in all the driveways.

I did some housework yesterday but was drawn to watching the snow and rain blow across the sky. But the laundry was done and the bed changed. I also made sure the kitchen was tidy. 

There was one case of the virus reported yesterday. Our numbers are remaining low which is great. Everyone is doing their part to keep each other safe. 


I worked on the doll's dress yesterday and got the buttons sewn on to the bodice. Then I did the outer sleeves taking my time to make sure the lace looked good on them. They are lined with the same fabric.

I also did Hong Kong bindings on the center back seams of the doll's skirt. I was worried I'd make a mess of it but it turned out really nice.

I have been on a mission to read the AG historical doll's stories. I had done a lot of research on African Nova Scotians when I read Addy's first book. I learned a lot about her story of freedom. Last night I read about Kit's story and it was another good story. My parents talked about the Depression and some of the hardships they had. They were rural people in the Maritimes and were quite self sufficient. I remember dad saying they would go out and drop their traps or nets and get fish for dinner. Mom said they had everything they needed on the farm they owned.


I read rather than knit. I had no interest in picking up the needles and finishing the sleeve. It was a reading kind of evening. 


Another day at home so more housework, sewing and knitting. 

Until the next time..............................................

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