Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Collar Happy

Yesterday morning it was foggy and, as I left for work, it was starting to burn off. The rest of the day was sunny and the high got to 11.4C or 52.F. This morning it is clear and the temperature is at the freezing mark (like yesterday morning). Another sunny day for us.


I left for work just before 8 a.m. yesterday morning. I am learning how to do the morning paperwork. I am on two steep learning curves ~ paperwork and receiving. The old brain is certainly getting a work out.
After the paperwork was done, I helped the assistant manager get several things done in the store. We are cleaning up and re-arranging. Got one job done by 12:30 p.m. It was slow so I went home. I won't have that opportunity soon so took advantage of it.
Last evening, the Spousal Unit and I watched Finding Your Roots and talked about how good that episode was. As he hadn't napped all day, the Spousal Unit then had a nap. I was fighting a sore throat so we both went to bed early. A wise move on our part.


After eating lunch, I decided to put the collar on the shirt. I pressed the interfacing onto all the pieces and set about sewing. Slowly but surely, I got the collar on and love how it turned out. I remembered to get the points on the bias; a trick Ron Collins showed us years ago.
I called it a day as this is where I usually stop when sewing a shirt.


I am not working but have to head to the store to buy some fabric and return 4 carts. The Spousal Unit is changing the wheels on them. I need to grocery shop also. The goal is to work on the sleeves for the shirt and, if lucky, they will get put in.
Until tomorrow..........................

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