I am sitting here looking out the window at the fog while I have a quiet cup of coffee.
Yesterday was a day and a half.
It caught me by surprise who is leaving the store.
I am now a key holder and am being recommended to be an assistant manager at work.
The Spousal Unit had a great check up with the oncologist. He goes back for blood work and another check up in 3 months.
Relieved that all is well, the man got his appetite back and ate a good dinner last night.
That relieved me.
A young family we have grown close to sold their house in Ashcroft and bought a house in our city yesterday.
We are excited to have them close to us again.
I need to eat, make lunch, and get to work. I am being trained to do paper work.
Until tomorrow...............................
Enjoy your posts very much, really nice blog. Best wishes.