Monday, June 20, 2022

Down A Rabbit Hole

 Yesterday was another nice day with a high of 19.6C. This morning we have had a shower and the temperature is 11C. It is suppose to shower off and on today. The high is to get to 15C. 


The Spousal Unit was stressed about the garden being ruined. He was angry that I picked lettuce to eat as I might die. A few of the beets seem to be dying but other than that, the garden is doing really well. He came in this morning about the garden dying and I think he is remembering when the previous lawn maintenance company did spray our cucumbers killing them. 

Last night, the Spousal Unit went out to water the plants. He came charging in yelling at me who had  used the spray nozzle last. In his hand he had the sprinkler. I took it away from him and got the water turned up so the nozzle would work and left him to water the plants. 

As I had to monitor the Spousal Unit a lot more often, less got done in the house. I did two loads of laundry and got the meat into bags and into the freezer. I also did a bit of cleaning up and some knitting. 


One load of laundry was the fabric for daughter's quilt. The fabric has all be folded ready for starching and pressing. Then I can cut it out. 

Crystals -- I will look up where I bought them and ask daughter if I have gotten the wrong site. If adding them to a bathing suit, I would use a hotfix tool as I'm not sure what the iron will do the the bathing suit fabric. 

Down the Rabbit Hole - I fell down it while I was monitoring the Spousal Unit. I was reading a review on the Easy Does It Bag By Annie and had to look at the pattern. It is free. I got it and the extra handout plus the add-on videos (all free). When I had a few minutes I watched the videos and she shows you exactly how to make the bag. 

I'm now looking at the Piece Keeper bag as it may be a good place to start. I now have to figure out where to get Soft and Stable, circles, and a stiletto for these projects. The hunt is on. 


While the Spousal Unit rested (no napping at all) I fixed the sleeves on the sweater. Better but not perfect. I am going to knit this pattern again as I do like it. Easy during these times. 

I did get all my interchangeable needles sorted out and put away in their container. They are back in the sewing room and off the couch. My goal is to finish the socks as I think I can pick them up and work on them a bit each day. 


We have respite coming this morning. I will go to the sewing room and clean it up. I want to get the fabric out for the Regency dress and set up to trace the pattern. I don't cut tissue patterns. In the afternoon, I want to make a meatloaf and freeze one half of it for another day. I also have a load of laundry to do. A busy day with 3 hours of not worrying about the Spousal Unit. 

Until the next time....................................................

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