Monday, January 11, 2021

Out To The Library Twice

 The weather has been repeating itself daily. High's of almost 0C with clouds. Last night it was colder with the temperature this morning -8C. We may see it get to 2C. Not the 14C we saw last year but warmer than it has been. 


The Spousal Unit and I were out the door for the library by 10 a.m. only to find it was closed. We went for a short drive but there was nothing new to see. We drove by the library on our way home and it was still closed. 

After lunch I checked the website and the library opened at noon. We headed out around 2 pm to an open library that was very quiet. When we left there were 2 staff members and 1 person on a computer. The Spousal Unit got a couple of books to read. 

We had no cases of the virus reported yesterday. It was a good feeling and we do hope the numbers remain low. 


When I went down to the sewing room after lunch for an hour, I realized I hadn't cut out all the bodice pieces. I cut them all out plus the pieces from the contrasting fabric. 

I started to add the bias pieces to the outer bodice. The easiest one is done and in place. I can start the other one today and it will take longer. A lot of basting and machine sewing will be happening at the two corners that need to be clipped. All needs to be secure to hold it in place. Once that is done, it won't take long to finish the dress. 


I knit on the headband and got more done before my hands started to cramp up. Probably another two nights of knitting and I will be able to start the hat part. 

I am not sure what I will be knitting next. I am waiting for a test pattern so what I cast on will have to be one I can set aside when it becomes available. 


I have taken grandson to school already which is the plan for Mondays. I enjoy our short visits. We are going to Coldbrook to get apples and if all goes well, I hope to work on the doll's dress and get the trim on the 2nd front piece. Knitting tonight. 

Until the next time...............................................

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