Thursday, October 01, 2020

More Cleaning of the Sewing Room

 Yesterday was another muggy day with a high of 26.4 C and a humid of 32C. There were a lot of gusty winds throughout the day. In the afternoon, it rained hard (1/4") in a very short time. A storm from Cuba was upon us at that time. This morning it was 12C at 6 a.m. and it is suppose to be another lovely day. 


Yesterday morning was spent cleaning more of the upstairs. Floors are ready to be mopped in the kitchen, bathroom, hall and dining area. Laundry was done. It felt great to do so much in the morning. 

There was another case of the virus reported yesterday. The person had traveled outside of Canada and was self isolating. We now have 2 active cases in the province with the first one still in the hospital. 


I decided the first job in the sewing room was to fix a snap on the Spousal Unit's shirt. We laughed as it looked like I had put the wrong part on the under button band. 

When I went to remove the snap to replace it with the right pieces, it was the piece from the outer button band. When the shirt was removed, the pearl top came off and the under part stuck to the under part. 

It popped off when I used a screwdriver to remove it. A very quick fix. 

After that job was done, it was time to clean up the sewing area. I wiped down the one window ledge, the doll's cube, and the sewing machine cabinet. I also scrubbed that part of the floor on my hands and knees. I had to remove bees wax from the floor. The bees wax container had broke, the bits flew everywhere and not all got swept up. Rolling the chair on those tiny missed bits smooched them into the floor. 

Once the floor was washed, I decided to remove the threads from the chair's wheels. I thought quick job. Not. I removed a lot of thread and dust from them. No picture taken but it was disgusting. 

The dolls can go back onto their cube as it is now dry. Then it's onto the next part. The yarn/bookshelf area. 

I am feeling more relaxed about being in the room. The more I clean, the happier I get. And the more creative I feel. 


After knitting two rows on the body of the sweater, I realized it was, once again, twisted. I tried again and twisted. Third time and good to go. I have knit the ribbing and have 4 rows of the pattern knit. Stranded knitting is slow for me but I keep at it. I am starting to find a method that doesn't twist the yarns as much. 


We have to get my prescription and cat food. I will be stewing tomatoes today and while they cook, I will, hopefully, wash some floors. The sewing room may be ignored as tomatoes will take most of the day. 

Until the next time...............................................................

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