Sunday, October 18, 2020

Another Test Pattern Completed

Friday was a beautiful warm day with lots of sunshine and a high of 20C. Yesterday was warm, wet, and windy. It did cool off during the night and it is 2C this morning. It is suppose to be sunny and 15C today. 


The Spousal Unit's surgery went fine on Friday. He had the last two lesions removed. All looks good except for a bit of swelling under the eye. Both are sore which is to be expected. We went for lunch afterwards and were home by 2:30 p.m. I got to the hospital without taking the wrong turn. We've done this enough times to get it right now. Next appointment is Oct. 27 at 8:30 a.m. for stitch removal. 

Yesterday we were out and at the doctor's office before 9 a.m. for our flu shot. We were two of about 30 that arrived for it. I had my usual minor reaction to the shot with a pain between my shoulder and was very tired all day. The Spousal Unit was fine with his. 

I've been quite tired lately with having so much on our schedule that I thought I was catching a cold. I was able to have a good night last night and feel better today. I'm watching to make sure I am not let myself get run down. 

On Friday we had one new case of the virus and on Saturday two new cases reported. All are travel related (outside the Atlantic Bubble) and we're isolating when they tested positive. 


I have the pattern drafting course all sorted out. I have to go back and watch the videos to find out where I put the different necklines I did. I also got out the couture sewing class so I can work on it. My desk is proving to be a very useful item in the sewing room. 

I started a list of patterns I want to make for the historical part of doll sewing. I have them listed under the books/shows I am interested in doing. I've also done some research on costumes and have a few ideas on how to adapt patterns to fit that era. 

I also downloaded the first pattern I want to sew that I got from Pixie Faire. It is the Tokyo cosplay dress and it's an advanced pattern. 

I do need to buy a couple of meters of white broadcloth for lining and a few zippers for closures. 


I finished the latest test pattern and did pictures yesterday. I will be making this one again as it has 2 sleeve and hem styles. 

The fit is quite good. I used pewter colored buttons on the back. 

I may change them to green when I go to the fabric store. It was the best match I had at this time. 

I think I have enough green yarn left to make a hat but am not sure if I will or not. 

I worked some on the slow knitting sweater. I'm almost done the first pattern repeat. I keep plugging away on it and one day it will be finished. 


I have laundry, budget, kitchen clean up, and prep to go to the city tomorrow to get more Christmas shopping done. It is going to be a busy day but these are things that need to be done. I'm not sure I will make it into the sewing room today but I will try to knit tonight. 

Until the next time.................................................

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