Friday, October 09, 2020

Some Time In The Sewing Room

 Yesterday was a blustery day with a high of 13C. There was some sunshine, lots of clouds, and the winds that blew all night. This morning it was 5C at 6 a.m. and the wind is still blowing with gusts up to 40 km. We are to see sunshine and 10C today. 


I arrived at the hospital for blood tests and the screening is more vigilant than it was 3 months ago. I had an anxiety attack on the way to the hospital which was caused by stress. Everything went well though and I was home in less than 45 minutes. 

Once home, I did more housework and laundry. I'm down to only having to wash floors and disinfect door handles and counters. I will also wash the blankets that were used to cover the plants. 

There were no new cases of the virus reported yesterday. We did a bit of planning and next week is very busy but after that we can hunker down and stay home only going out for drives to get apples and the bare necessities. 


I did make it into the sewing room and got out the fabric I wanted for the doll's dress. The pattern was printed and I decided to embroider the front band. 

I used a dark green shiny thread as this dress will be a Christmas one. The design stitched out perfectly and looks quite festive in real life. While it was stitching out, I hand sewed some on the Halloween wall hanging I did several months ago. 

I did cut out the band lining and need to cut out the interfacing. Then it will be onto the dress once version 3 of the pattern is posted. 


Pictures were taken of the sweater set I finished and submitted to the designer. 

I doubt if I will knit this pattern again in the near future as this is the second one I've knit from the pattern. If I choose to knit it again, it will be in one color. 

I started the next test pattern and at row 14, I hit a brick wall. After a break, I went back and found my mistake on row 10. Shall we say, I read the row and added a yarn over where none was. I had 7 stitches too many which is how many repeats there are in the row. I am now doing fine using stitch makers to help me keep track of things. 


I am making buns today for Thanksgiving dinner. Two batches to be exact. While the dough is rising, I will launder blankets and wash floors. If I have time and the pattern, I will lay out the dress pattern and tonight I will knit. 

Until the next time.............................................

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