Sunday, October 04, 2020

Sewing Thoughts After A Melt Down

 Yesterday was a lovely fall day. The high got to 16C and the low this morning was 5.5C at 7 a.m. It is going to be another lovely fall day today with a high of 17C. 


We hauled out the smoker and got it started to smoke tomatoes. It was slow going due to the draft coming in from the north. We had to put it into the garage so it would heat up. That worked well. 

I cut two bins of tomatoes in half, scooped out most of the seeds and liquid and when the smoker was up to temperature, in they went for 2 hours. Temperature was 250F and the smoke was apple wood. When done, I brought them in, peeled off the skins and chopped them up. They are in a pot in the fridge and will be bagged and frozen today. They have to sit for a day to let the smoky flavor come out. 

Cleaning up the smoker took almost an hour and then I had to clean the kitchen. I was really tired when I got done. Everything will be put into the basement until I need it again next week. 


While the tomatoes were smoking, I spent the time sewing 3 more masks for daughter. They are done and in the box. No pictures as they look like the first one. 

Of all the mask patterns I have tried (4 in total), I like the shaped masks the best. The easies to make is the circle mask and it fits the face very well. The other shaped mask fits well but takes more time to make.

I had a bit of a melt down in the sewing room yesterday. I was suddenly very unhappy with the condition of the room, how much fabric I have, how little time I've spend sewing what I want lately, and the list went on and on and on. It was like the sky fell on me. I was ready to pack it up and give it all away. After a bit of a pitty party, I picked myself up and said I will move forward. With my terms. 

Will I Or Won't I?

Make embroidered masks for sale as I had thought I would? No. I'll make one and  send them to daughter to give away.  

Continuing on testing patterns? I'm not sure where I am with that. I will review it at the end of the year. I find I have a lot of doll clothes and patterns that have no special meaning to me. I have a pattern to test right now and it isn't exactly what I wanted to do. 

Sewing for family? Yes I will but it will be spaced over more time. I enjoy making piping and masks. I enjoy hemming grandson's pants, making him pj pants and hemming daughter-in-law's curtains. They aren't big jobs. And it's part of being a family. 

Will I sew down the stash? Yes I will as I want to buy new fabric one or two projects at a time. It remains a constant goal of mine. 

Where Do I Want to Go Moving Forward?

To sew more for pleasure. I let this slide off the table very easily. Too many commitments causes me to focus on what I need to do vs what I want to do. 

To do what I want to do. 

To use up the stash in a meaningful way. 

To make gifts that are for family and friends. 

To slow down and enjoy the process which I'm trying to do. This includes the doll couture sewing class I'm part way through. This includes drafting doll patterns I have floating around in my head. 

I am working on being satisfied with how much I've sewn so far this year. Seventy-one meters is quite a bit for me. I do hope to continue on sewing one meter at a time. I'm past the 50 meters I had planned on sewing and if I don't make 100 meters I'm not worrying about that. 


I didn't knit last night due to tiredness. I will get this project done and I'm going to rethink if I will continue to test. I have enjoyed doing it as it gives me something to do in the evenings. But, I will be adding more of what I want to knit whether it is for the dolls or for the house. 


Laundry and housework is on the agenda for today. I'm behind and need to get a bunch done. I would like to sew this afternoon but I doubt if it will happen. I'm not worrying about it either. I hope to knit a bit to knit a bit tonight.

Until the next time.................................... 

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