Sunday, October 25, 2020

More Shopping, Less Sewing

 Friday was cooler with a high of 15C. The sun did shine which was nice. Saturday morning it was 7C when I got up and quite cloudy. We had mist and fog all day and the high got to 14C. This morning it is 7C once again and is suppose to remain there all day. 


On Friday, we headed out to New Minas to do some shopping. We got all but 2 Christmas presents which I will get here on Monday. On the way home, we stopped at the quilt shop for daughter. No response in almost 2 hours (I texted before we left home). We sat and waited for 15 minutes and nothing. When we got home there were text messages from her. They had 6" of snow on the ground and it was snowing heavily. By noon they had 9" of snow. It is a rarity for them to have snow before Halloween, but we remember it happening before. 

Yesterday daugther-in-law and I went into the city to find out what is happening to her new fridge. We then did some shopping and were home just after 1 p.m. I did find one more Christmas present and got a few ideas for others. 

I started on eating less at each meal and not snacking yesterday. I had a sugar low at noon which hasn't happened in quite a while. But, I felt better overall last night and hope I can keep it up. 

We had no new cases of the virus reported Friday. Yesterday there were 3 new cases reported. Two were from travel outside the bubble and one was a person who was ill in another province and has since recovered. 


I'm starting to think about November and and December. This month, I have sewn nearly 5 meters of fabric. That makes me close to 75 meters. I am not going to make it to 100 meters but I'm happy to have 85 meters or a bit less. 

What is left for October? - 2 dolls dresses and a mask. I will need a few days to make them but this is doable. 

November and December? - pillows, pajama pants, doll clothes, and a bit of embroidery. I also have curtains to hem which don't count in the total. 


I am working on the slow knit sweater and making progress. I started on the second part of the cross over collar and ripped it out. It was not how I wanted it to look and I was short 4 stitches. I redid it, got the right number of stitches. I knit several rows quite happily. I still have the back bands to pick up and knit and then sew the sweater together. 


The goal is to sew as much as I can. I have several things I need to get done this week along with a day in Halifax when the Spousal Unit has his stitches removed. 

Until the next time..................................................

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