Saturday, May 16, 2020

Sunshine And A Drive

Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day with a high of 17C. Today it is 6C and raining. We are suppose to see it get to 10C today. 


We headed out for a long drive yesterday morning. It was so good to get away from the house and yard. Traffic was light, we explored, and enjoyed ourselves. We felt recharged when we got home. 
We talked to a couple who walk our street. They are going to plant a few vegetables and asked where we got our boxes from, what soil to use, and where we got our plants. We also talked to our neighbor and did it with social distancing. 
There were 8 new cases of the virus and 4 deaths reported yesterday. Two family bubbles have been introduced and a few more restrictions lifted. There is still lots of physical distancing and sanitation being called for. 


I worked on the doll's jacket yesterday and quit when I had an issue. I couldn't get it fixed so stopped before I ruined the pieces. I thought on it for a couple of hours and have a plan. 
The quilting shop I love to go to is opening on Tuesday. They have set their rules (masks, 5 in at a time, 30 minutes shopping, and use of hand sanitizer). I won't be going for a couple of weeks as I don't need anything at this time. The snaps I've ordered have been put into the mail. 


I finished the body of the sweater I'm knitting and started on the sleeves. When done, I have another pattern to test. I'll do it in a denim colored yarn as it is a nice basic short sleeved sweater. 


It is housework this morning, sewing in the afternoon, and knitting tonight. 
Until the next time.......................................

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