Monday, May 02, 2016

Another Trip To The ER

Yesterday was a lovely sunny day with a high of 26.7C or 80F. Today is going to be warmer so I will be shutting up the house and turning on the a/c.


We headed out yesterday to see Daughter in Ashcroft. We took her some plants for her garden. We had lunch outside in the sunshine, some good discussions and bunch of good laughs. The Spousal Unit got a bit tired and his hands started to shake. We headed home mid afternoon. In all we had a great visit.
When we got home, the Spousal Unit had a nap. When he woke up, he was totally confused and felt hot. I dealt with him for 20 minutes and sat him down to have fluids. He felt hot. I suggested going to the hospital and he refused. The confusion got worse, his balance went off, and he couldn't remember some things. He went outside to water the garden. Now, that was scary. I helped him as he was staggering around. He couldn't remember what he had or hadn't watered. He almost drowned the little plants.
I then decided we were going to the hospital and conned him into the vehicle. When we got there his temperature was 38.1C or 101F. It must have come down a bit as he was a bit more with it. He saw a doctor who did some simple tests and then more tests. The Spousal Unit has a bit of fluid on the brain. He was admitted at 11 pm last night. I came home and slept all night. He was in good hands. Our family doctor and 2 specialists will see him this morning and I am sure he has an IV in for fluids and antibiotics. They probably did that after I left.


I am doing housework, laundry, and grocery shopping. I have to see the Spousal Unit at 9 a.m. to find out what is going on with him. My guess is he will be in the hospital for a few more days.
Until tomorrow with better news I hope.........................


  1. So sorry to hear your news. It is such a worry when these things happen. Glad to hear you are continuing on. Makes the load a bit lighter. I'm sure he will be fine.

  2. Dear Ann... just in case you don't see my reply on my blog, I am sending extra healing wishes to your husband, and strengthening wishes to you... That sounds like quite an alarming day, and I hope that the hospital will quickly put things right for him

  3. So sorry to hear your news - it must have been so worrying for you. I hope SU is recovering well and that you are finding time to care for yourself as well. Best wishes.
