Thursday, April 25, 2024

Progress On The Kirtle

Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 14.7C. This morning it is partly cloudy and -2C. It is to be sunny with a high of 7C.


I did yoga yesterday morning and worked at stretching both sides. There is some stiffness in the pelvic floor that is starting to improve with the stretches. There was a couple of cracks which was good. Less pain was also welcomed. 

The next job was to start laundry and I got all the bedding done. I moved Elliott around in a blanket when I needed the start the next load. He left the room when I took the sheets off the bed. He was annoyed with me. I made the bed right after lunch. 

While the laundry was going, I cleaned the bathroom. I scrubbed it hard as it was dirty. I opened the window and cleaned it. I got rid of the moss and small plants growing in the moss. I scrubbed and disinfected the window to stop any more growth. I stretched into the tub and scrubbed it out. It needed to be cleaned due to the window dirt plus the starch dripping off the fabric I hung in there. I ended up washing the floor on my hands and knees. 

The pork roast was done by dinner time and I shred it into the liquid. It was tasty though adding BBQ sauce to it elevated it to the next level. I have a few meals to freeze today or tomorrow. 

I walked down to my friend's to take some fabric scraps and rulers. We had a good visit. While visiting her, I noticed that the pain in my lower back left. The muscles were relaxed and over their misery. The flare up was done and gone. 


I did work on the doll's dress. I hand basted the facing down before I did the two rows of running stitch for the cartridge pleats. That job is done. 

I started on the kirtle bodice. I was confused for a while as I wasn't sure what I was doing. I cut out the kirtle front and started to mark it.

I cut out the two lining pieces to go with it and interfaced one. It is under the top piece ready for me to sew the boning channels. Once that is done, I can mark and stitch the remaining stitching lines. I couldn't do it as I had no thread. My friend gave me another spool of the same colour. 

I have read the bodice pattern several times now and kind of, sort of have it figured out. The front piece has a lot of stitching on it which will be slow going. 


I finished the small purple hat last night. It is still on the needles incase I have to add more rows. 

I also undid the peach coloured one and am on the last row before I start decreasing for the top. 


    The flare up is done and I am feeling so much better. I am glad that I pushed through with yoga for the past 2 days. I think it helped relax the muscles and seat the SI joint. I really don't want that bad of a flare up again. 

    I have decided to focus on decluttering cleaning products. I have been trying to use them up but I avoid the ones I don't like. I will get rid of some of the cleaners I hate and buy only 1 to polish wood with. My go to cleaners will be two in the bathroom and four in the kitchen. I want to get a container for the ones in the kitchen so I can keep them all together. One more layer of clutter to be removed from the house. 

    I plan on getting back to removing the edging from the hedge. Instead of walking back and forth taking the edging to the shed, I will push it through the hedge and pick it up on the lawn side where it is more level for walking. This may happen this weekend if I am pain free. 


My main two jobs is to clean up the litter box area and do under the kitchen sink. If I have extra time, I want to tidy up the living room. This afternoon I will sew on the bodice and will knit tonight. 

Until the next time................................................................

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