Tuesday, April 23, 2024

A Day Of Intense Pain

 Yesterday was one very sunny day. The high got to 9.1C. This morning it is clear and -3C. Today is to be sunny with a high of 13C.


I was a wreck yesterday. I was so sore when I left for osteopathy, I wasn't sure if the therapist could fix me. She worked on me and got me 50+% better. I could walk without it hurting. 

The right SI joint is not seated properly. The muscles around it were tight and hard to relax. The left SI joint is fine and the muscles around it relaxed when worked on. The glute in the right inner thigh was tight but relaxed when worked on. Walking with no pain was much better than walking with pain. 

At home, I did as told. I sat with the heat on the SI joint. I tried to roll the joint while it was warm so it would seat properly but to no avail. It did cause muscle spasms and a lot of pain when standing up. Walking was fine. I repeated the process all afternoon. I did a few things standing up; sweeping some floors and walking the length of the house. 

I had rolling IBS attacks due to the pain. I was exhausted from all of the pain and did have 2 very short naps. I did eat but not properly as I wanted comfort food. By 10:30 pm it was over and done with. As I rolled over in bed, the SI joint seated down in the hip area not the lower back. That was one welcomed crack. I slept all night which was great. I am still a bit sore but can handle it. 

What caused the pain? I don't really know. I do know cleaning the sewing room aggravated it. I know the pain caused the IBS attack. The muscles around the SI joint tightened up to protect the joint and they started to spasm some. I survived it. This morning I only have a bit of pain on the left side. It is still recovering from the ordeal. I will be monitoring the pain level for the next couple of days.

I did not sew or knit yesterday afternoon. I didn't even go the basement once I got home. I did watch a variety of YouTube videos. I felt useless but there was nothing I could do about it. 


I have to do some laundry, get groceries, and try to tidy up the kitchen. I want to cut out the doll's kirtle skirt, serge the seams and sew it up ready to finish the waist. I hope to knit tonight if I am not too tired. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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