Thursday, July 29, 2021

Trying To Complete Projects

 Yesterday morning started off with it being warm and a few showers. We woke up to 16C. It got to 22C yesterday and the sun shone in the afternoon. The breeze was cool which was nice. This morning it is 12C and the sun is shining. It is to be a nice day today. 


After playing avoiding folding the laundry, I got it done. It didn't take long and I did a load of laundry while folding. It is done and I feel good about that. And I should quit avoiding folding the laundry.

Once done, I headed to the downstairs bathroom and cleaned it. I washed the floor and, as I finished, I leaned on the scrub bucket and it cracked at the bottom. Talk about scrambling to clean up the water on the floor. The room is ready for me to paint the area we had to fix and attach the toilet paper holder. 

I did spend a bit of time thinking about how to finish the bathroom which I love. I need to add cardboard to the back of the pictures so I can hang them up on the wall above the towel bar. 

Putting 3M hangers on the fabric does not work as they kept falling off the wall.  I was thrilled when I read to put cardboard on the back of the pictures so the 3M sticky tape has something to grip onto. 

The next project for the room will be painting a small table to put under the towel bar. I have to sand the chalk paint I put on, prime it with a good primer and paint it with the trim paint. I may have to set it up in the basement so I can finish the bathroom before starting on the family room. 

There were no new cases of the virus reported yesterday and no recoveries. 


The doll's quilt is ready to have the binding sewn down. I will be so happy when it is done and the pillow and pillow case competed. 

I did learn a lot from this quilt. I found I was uptight while quilting it. I was more relaxed while quilting yesterday. It went much better but the quilting is nowhere close to being perfect. I made the mistake pressing the seams to one side as it created a hump in the fabric. There is a place for pressing to one side and it isn't in this quilt. 

My thoughts for sewing were interesting. Will I sew for the fair for 2022? How can I use up the fabric I have and buy a lot less for the rest of the year? Where am I with testing doll patterns - keep on or give it up? Where are my interests now? It was quite constructive and interesting as I thought about sewing and knitting. More on this as I firm up my ideas. 


I knit on the hat last night and did one row 3 times. I finally had to stop everything and count out loud to get it done right. I will cast the hat off but not finish it. I'm not sure if it will be kept or frogged out for another project. 


More laundry today and I hope to paint the wall in the bathroom. I would like to sew down the binding on the doll's quilt and knit tonight. It's another stay at home day.

Until the next time......................................................

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