Thursday, July 22, 2021

Rain With Thunder and Lightening

 Yesterday was another warm and humid day. The high got to 26.3C with a humidex of 33C. Last night there was a lot of lightening and thunder but no rain. This morning it was 18C at 6 a.m. and there was fog. The thunder and lightening started and it poured rain. We got a good 1/2" rain in less than an hour. We are to see it remain at about 19C all day. We could have showers during the day. (Down the valley, it rained 2.5" before midnight.)


I headed out to shop later than I normally do as I had to wait for the pharmacy to open. The store wasn't really busy and I started to shop. I was surprised to see that the arrows showing us which way to go down the aisles were gone. There is still social distancing, masks, and the staff are still behind plexi glass. We are moving into our new normal as long as the number of cases stay low. 

I was outside to pull a few weeds in the lawn yesterday but it was humid so I quit. The Spousal Unit fertilized the vegetables and came in complaining about the humidity. 

We watched a great lightening storm last night from the living room windows. One of the best since we moved here. There was one clap of thunder that was loud enough to get Elliott's attention. Otherwise he dozed through the storm.

This morning we stood in the garage and watched the rain come down. It was a down pour with a thunderstorm to entertain us. The ditch has lots of water in it and running good.

There were 7 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. There are no people hospitalized which is great. 


I was down to the sewing room before lunch as I wanted to finish the test pattern yesterday. The jacket was a lot of work and left me tired. But, I got it done. 

I wish I had pink buttons in the stash but there were none. 

I used the Diamond to make the buttonholes and they turned out perfect. 

I am happy this pattern is done and I will make the dress again for sure. The jacket is questionable at this time. Probably because I had to sew it under pressure. 


I have about 13" of the band done on the hat. The color is changing to light blue now. 

You can barely see it but I'm thrilled to be knitting a lighter color. 


I plan on sweeping the floors and washing a few of them this morning. I need to clean the sewing room and start again on the doll's quilt. Tonight will be knitting as I don't think we will be going to grandson's soccer game. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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