Friday, July 16, 2021

Hot and Humid

We have had our fair share of weather here. Warm, humid, wet, and mainly calm. Yesterday it rained all morning and then the sun shone and it was humid outside. The high got to 26.5C and humidex made it feel like 36C. This morning it is 22C with a humidex of 29C. It seems like we will be having another humid day.


I've been busy and I crashed on Wednesday due to exhaustion. I'm doing a lot more outside getting things set up for the Spousal Unit. His memory is not as good as it was. Little things like making sure the hoses are connected and not leaking, the lawn mower is on mulch and not bagging. I've been puttering in the vegetable bins and gave the leeks a tiny hair cut. I am also monitoring beans and peas as they are growing fast. We will be eating Swiss Chard soon also.

I identified a weed in our lawn as Marsh Cudweed. It has to be hand pulled so we continue to look for it and pull it out. It is getting to be less all the time. It is a nuisance weed that was brought to North America

We were out to watch our grandson play soccer on Tuesday night. He scored the first goal which was a big surprise. His team plays well together and they did some really good moves as a team. 

Our neighbor's cat stopped by and Elliott happened to see him through the front door. It was interesting how Elliott watched him and he ignored Elliott. 

The number of active cases of the virus has dropped to 22. The past 2 days we have had no new cases reported out of about 6000 tests being done. We have moved into Phase 4 of the reopening plan. We can also be outside at farmer's markets, games, etc. without a mask. 


I've been out of the sewing room and finally made it back in and finished the top of the quilt. I was so tired, I didn't do pictures of it. I'm now figuring out how to use the left over fabric to make the back. It won't be fancy but I'll use up all the fabric I have left. 

An outfit came out that I am testing. It is Church Tea by Keepers Dolly Duds. 

I got all the pieces but the collar cut out and the pleats pressed in the skirt. I'm ready to serge seams on the skirt so I can make the dress. It is pretty basic so shouldn't take too long to sew up. The jacket will take a bit longer due to the scallops. 


The sweater is complete and ready for buttons. The beret is ready to decrease the crown. I could be done tonight.

Once this outfit is done, I will start knitting a hat for daughter for Christmas. The yarn is in the stash waiting to be knit up. I have to say I'm enjoying knitting what I want to knit and at the pace I want to work at. 


I want to do some housework this morning. Floors need to be swept and some laundry done. I would like to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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