Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Test Pattern Dress Completed

Yesterday was another humid day. The high got to 28C with a humidex of 36-37C. This morning it is 21C with a humidex of 27C. We are to see the same type of weather again today.


We were busy yesterday. I cleaned the kitchen, dining area, front entry and did a load of laundry before lunch. The Spousal Unit trimmed tomatoes and hilled the leeks. Since getting their hair cut, the leeks have really grown a lot. Late in the afternoon, we picked Swiss Chard for dinner and delivered beans, a few peas and carrots to family. We also admired 5 grape tomatoes that are turning red.

The Swiss Chard was good. It could have cooked a bit longer as a few of the stems were still hard. I will be cooking more of it this summer. We have to let it grow more before we have another meal.

The humidity is getting to us. We are tired most of the day as it feels like a sauna outside. We live in the house where it is cool. When we go outside, we feel the energy leave us and in a short time I get a headache from it. We are staying hydrated.

There were no cases of the virus reported yesterday and there are 7 active cases in the province. 


I finished the test pattern dress and it is a cute basic dress. I quite like the pleats in the front. A great alternative to a gathered skirt. 

I have to sew on the buttons on the back yet and make the jacket. It is cut out ready to be made. 

Once this is done, it will be back to quilting as I still have the doll's quilt to finish and the cat fabric to sew up. I am looking forward to having those pieces of fabric gone from the stash. 


I knit on the headband of the hat and have 7" done. It is knitting up easier than the last hat as I seem to have a better understanding of the pattern. I'm not stressed over it like the last time. We wait and see when I get to the main part of the pattern. 


The plan is to clean the living room and fold laundry in the morning, sew on the doll's jacket in the afternoon and knit tonight. It is going to be too muggy to do much of anything outside though I may pull some weeds in the lawn (so many a day until they are gone). 

Until the next time.......................................................

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