Saturday, April 24, 2021

Projects Done and Practice Begun

 We have had some colder weather with lots of wind. There were snow flurries and more wind. This morning, it is 6C, the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. Hopefully it will be a lovely day. 


I have written 2 blog posts and both disappeared. Grrrrrrr............ So I'm writing again to get caught up. 

With the grey colder weather, we both lacked energy to do much. We called it survival mode and felt tired and somewhat depressed. 

The Spousal Unit started to weed wack the yard and ran out of string. I got it rewound for him as there is a trick to the process. He got what he wanted done. I also mixed weed killer for him so he can do more when it warms up. Hopefully this week. 

The number of cases of the virus have risen in the province. 25 new cases Wednesday, 38 on Thursday and 44 yesterday. There are 4 week restrictions in the area where the majority of the cases are and we can't travel into it and they can't come out. The borders are closed to people coming into the province. Only 2 provinces are permitted to travel here. Though we don't have a lot of active cases compared to other areas, people are getting tested (nearly 6000 on Thursday) and movement has decreased in retail outlets. Hopefully we will see numbers decline in the next week. For us, we are continuing to be diligent and going out only when necessary. 


The sewing room has been busy. I finished a test pattern and quite like the pattern. Not the pockets. I may make it again in a combination of fabrics (print and plain).

The placemats are finished also. We sat and watched TV while I hand stitched the binding down. Took two afternoons to do the job but they are ready to be shipped west. 

They will be perfect in son-in-law's camper. 

Yesterday I played with a sandwich practicing free motion quilting and stencil work. I realized it has been 11 years since I did this type of work and how I was taught the techniques somewhat incorrectly. After a poor start and a good laugh, I had a butterfly. 

After a bit of playing around, I watched a video on stippling and then another one by a different person. Something in her video clicked and I set up a practice piece with just playing with curves. 

I got decidedly better as I practiced. With that under my belt I did another butterfly and it was better. 

And then practiced one area. 

I need gloves plus a lot of practice but it is coming. I'm going to be doing a lot of practice pieces in the near future so will need to find some more pieces to practice on. Mostly stippling at this time so I can do a table runner that is in the UFO pile.


I'm knitting away on the test pattern. I have one back done and 5 rows on the other back piece. Then it is only the collar and sew it up. I am loving this pattern as it is easy and quite cute. 


I should be doing more housework and then do some doll sewing. I hope to get a lot more done on the sweater tonight. 

Until the next time..........................................

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