Sunday, April 25, 2021

Fun Sewing For The Dolls

 Yesterday was a sunny, windy day. The high got to 17C. This morning it was 1C at 6 a.m. and there was frost. It is suppose to get to 19C today and we are to have rain tonight. 


With the lovely weather, the lawn mower and weed eater were put into use. The Spousal Unit used both of them during the day. I was out to pull weeds from the landscaping we did last summer and to check on how well the lilies are growing. 

Yesterday was day 2 of the restrictions in the city where we can't shop. It is affecting us as we are slowing down our shopping to the essentials. Should be go here or there in our area? Yes but if busy we won't go in. Rather than look around, we will have a list and get what we need and leave. We've done it before and we will do it again. It leaves us stressed and cranky about what we can do and where we can go. We will survive it. 

I lost 1.1 lbs this week for a total of 30.9 lbs. I'm happy with the results to date.

There were 52 cases of the virus reported yesterday. The highest was 55 on April 23, 2020. People are lining up to get tested (7900 were done on Friday) and are staying home unless it is essential shopping. We wonder if the province will see more restrictions put in place next week. 


I decided not to practice quilting yesterday. I decided to sew doll clothes using leggings I had bought and stashed. Of course, I chose the ones that needed to be cut out to match the pattern. The goal was to see how the new machine sews knit fabric. Very nicely.

The pattern matching on the leggings is great until you get to the back seam (top). It's out a bit but won't be noticed when the t-shirt is on. 


I have been really thinking about how I want to learn to quilt. I can do the piecing but it's how to sew the 3 layers together without doing just stitch in the ditch.  I am a process person who wants to start at a given point and build on what I have learned. 

I have been watching a lot of videos on quilting. From Karen Brown, to Angela Walters, to Such A Pretty Fabric, and Leah Day. As I watched, I learned a lot about myself and how I approach a project. I learned something from each person. It wasn't until I started watching Leah Day's videos that I realized that her approach is one that suits me the best. Linear and in small steps. Now it's all about fat quarter sandwiches and practicing each step until I have a fluid motion for each part. 


I am almost done the sweater and will need to look for buttons. I do like this sweater and hope the little girl likes it also.


Housework, sewing, and knitting are on the agenda for today. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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