Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Feeling Nervous

 Yesterday was a lovely sunny day with a high of 15C. There was some wind which had a bite to it but we weren't complaining. This morning it was 2C at 6 a.m. and we are to see 16C. The sun is shining this morning but there is a chance of showers this afternoon. 


Yesterday morning was spent cleaning the dining room and scrubbing the floor. I was so enthusiastic that I did down the stairs to the front entry. It was great to get that area cleaned up. 

I was outside in the afternoon looking at the garlic and it is growing well. We also looked at the pots for flowers as I'm planting them this year. Elliott's cat grass is growing well and will soon be ready to be removed from the heat mat. Then we can start leeks. 

The parcel daughter sent us by mail was delivered to our door at noon yesterday. It was opened and we enjoyed the contents. I got a mat for in front of the sink. The Spousal Unit got a puzzle. There was some fabric, thread, and yarn. 

There were 15 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. A bit scary as 3 of the cases are under investigation with the remaining being related to travel or close contact to a case. The most cases reported since December. One of the exposure sites listed yesterday was a pub/eatery here in our community. The first one reported here since the start of the pandemic. I'm feeling a bit nervous right now. 


I worked on the pockets of the test outfit and there were some moments of swearing. One reason is my machine stitches seam allowances accurately and I think the pattern's seam allowances are out a tiny bit. Second, the instructions are okay but the pictures are horrid. Third, I didn't realize you could make the skirt with no pockets. 

The first pocket is in and the second one is ready to stitch when I turned off the machine and walked away. No pictures at all. I headed outside with no phone to have a break from everything. It was just what I needed. 


I knit on the doll's sweater last night until it was time to divide and add the sleeves. I then started to knit the sleeves again. Each sleeve is 40 rows and I got 30 rows knit on the first sleeve. I need buttons for the sweater and will try and get them at the quilt shop. I have to go to get some fabric for placemats I have to make. 


I am going to wash windows this morning and do a bit of cleaning under the living room ones. Sewing and knitting are on the agenda for today. 

Until the next time....................................................

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