Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Two Days of Progress

The past two days have been beautiful fall days. The highs have been between 14-20C, the sun has shone, and the wind has been from the north. This morning it is 4C and the wind is from the south. We are to see 22C today. 


On Monday I did housework as it was too wet to work outside. Yesterday I worked outside in the morning weeding another 6 bushes in the dreaded hedge. I have done 22 bushes and have 14 left to go on the yard side. I feel I have 5 days left on the hedge. Maybe it will be done by next weekend. 
The Spousal Unit has been busy picking tomatoes. He picked 4-5 tubs yesterday and has about 20 lbs in the garage. He gave away 5 lbs to the neighbors in the afternoon. He has also seeded the worst looking area of the lawn. Doing it ourselves is extra work, but we are thriving doing it. Less boredom in our lives and more exercise. 
We covered the tomatoes the last two nights as there was a risk of frost. Both mornings there has been no frost. 
I have been looking at ideas for the inside of our house. I am going to work with blue and grey as the basic colors but am going to add other colors. I am loving the warmth yellow gives but like soft pale pinks also. Red for Christmas. The colors will be come out in the accessories I have and will make. Once the yard work is done for the fall, I want to work on the house over the winter. 
We have had no new cases of the virus for 8 days now. We continue to be careful and follow the health rules -- masks, hand washing and social distancing. 


I spent 2 afternoons sewing the pillow cases grandson started. One afternoon was doing the burrito part and yesterday was sewing the seams using french seams. They are put away for one of his Christmas gifts. 
Sewing them made the cutting table cleaner. I have 2 pieces of fabric left on it to make into piping. Then I will sort what is left and put it away. Most is patterns that I need to deal with. 
I checked how much I have sewn to date and it is an amazing 70 meters. I may make it to 100 meters this year. My original goal was 50 meters and then I bumped it up to 75 meters. Now it is 100 meters. 


Of the 15 rows I knit, I spent Monday evening unknitting 8 of them. Last night I reknit them plus did 11 more rows. 
I had to unknit those rows as I forgot to change needle size. At the rate I am going, I may get this sweater done by Christmas. 


We are out for hair cuts this morning and from there we have to go get the cording for more piping. This afternoon I will do more piping and tonight I want to knit. 
Until the next time..................................