Monday, September 14, 2020

Inside and Outside Progress

Yesterday was another lovely day full of sunshine. The high got to 21C. This morning it was 17C and it rained during the night and again this morning. We are to see 23C with clouds. 


We headed out in the morning to work in the yard. I weeded and trimmed 6 bushes in the hedge. A lot of work as it was the most weedy part. There were 8 big buckets of weeds and branches removed from that area. I am not half done yet but there are less weeds to pull from here on. All of the bushes but 5 or 6 need pruning from the underside. The road side still needs weeding and pruning but it isn't as bad. I reach through and pull as many weeds as I can from the yard side and prune around as far as I can reach. There is a method to my madness. 
The Spousal Unit mowed the lawn and did a strip down the road side of the hedge. I did the weeding around the shed. When I pulled one large weed, there was a beautiful green frog under it. 
There were no cases of the virus reported yesterday and one active case still remains. 


I turned another fat quarter into piping in the afternoon. It was a fun color of pinks and purples. 
I put it up against a pink fabric and it is unique. 
The fat quarter made 3 meters of piping that is now bagged and in the box to go. 
I had about 10" of cording left and hope to get more on Wednesday after we get our hair cut. I have 2 more pieces of fabric on the cutting table to make into piping and then a big pile on the shelving unit. I'd like to make a good size dent in the pile this year. 


I cast on and knit 15 rows on the second sleeve. I stopped as my hands were starting to cramp. 


Housework this morning, sewing on grandson's pillowcases after lunch and knitting tonight. With the rain, it will be an inside day. 
Until the next time.........................................