Monday, September 21, 2020

A Record Breaking Visit To Ikea

Yesterday was sunny with a high of 13.6C. A true fall day. This morning it was -1C, clear and a good frost on the ground. It is suppose to get to 15C. Hurricane Teddy is coming though it isn't suppose to be as strong as first predicted. Still, we will have wind and rain. 


Yesterday's plans blew out the window. Daughter-in-law and I headed to Ikea to get grandson's bed and from the time we lined up til we were out, it was less than 40 minutes. Everything needed was purchased. The bed had to come out of the box as it wouldn't fit in the car. We made one other stop on the way home to get candles incase of a power outage with the storm. 

Once home, I didn't do much. Grandson came over to do his homework in the afternoon and he got it done. It was a quiet afternoon for us. 


I didn't go into the sewing room yesterday. I am thinking about the desk I want. The decision is made and I have to wait for it to come back into stock in Ikea. There are lots of the top and only one leg in white. I will do any early morning trip when it is back in stock. The desk will be just under 4 ft in length which is perfect for the space. In the mean time, I will prepare the spot for it and decide if I need another storage unit or not for that space. Or will I get a cart on wheels that can be stored under the desk when not in use. I need to think on that one. 

I have also decided that I will be making a concerted effort not to buy much fabric between now and the end of the year. I do have to get some for specific Christmas presents but other than that, I really need nothing. I can dig around in the stash for everything I need. It is time to sew more of the stash up. 


I set the one sweater aside and started on the test pattern. It is the one I made in March which the designer has updated with more pictures and mini tutorials. 

I am using the same contrast colors but the main color is a pale blue. 

I am also not buying yarn at the moment but using up what I have in the stash. I have lots of yarn to knit and some of it is luxury yarn. I discovered this when looking for the yarn for this pattern. 


It is house cleaning today. I need to get it done and over with. I may get downstairs to make piping and I will knit on the test pattern. But the main focus is cleaning. 

Until the next time.................................................

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