Sunday, September 13, 2020

Outdoor Work

Yesterday was a lovely sunny day. The high got to 20C. This morning it was 6C with some fog and a few high clouds. It is suppose to get to 21C and showers tonight. 


It was work on the dreaded hedge yesterday morning. I set a goal of 8 bushes of which 2 needed pruning. Working from the yard side, I reached through those prickly branches to get as much out on the other side. The idea is to do the road side fast as there will only be a small amount of weeds to deal with. 
The Spousal Unit sprayed the weeds in the lawn so it can be reseeded. He also mowed the lawn except the area he sprayed. Lawn rejuvenation has begun on our part. 
Last night they predicted a risk of frost so we were out the door to cover all the tomatoes once again. No frost but better to be safe than sorry. 


I was in the sewing room but didn't clean anything. Shame on me. I made piping instead as it is part of clean off the cutting table. 
I had about .3 meter of this fabric and made 4.5 meter (closer to 5 meters) for daughter. Part of it is for her birthday shirt and the rest for another shirt she will sell. 
I have 5 meters of cording left in one piece and just over 1.5 meters in another piece. That gives me maybe 2 more pieces of fabric to make into piping. Hopefully I can get more cording on Wednesday. 
Left on the cutting table -- 3 pieces of fabric for piping and 2 pillow cases. Once that is sewn, I will clean up around the cutting table and try to hang the peg board where my desk will go. 


None done last night as we were out to cover the tomatoes and then I realized how tired I was. Also my hands were cramping some so didn't want to over do it. 


It is back out to do more on the hedge. The goal is 6 bushes this morning. Sewing will be another batch of piping. Will see if I can knit tonight or if I have to take another night off. Not really worrying as I am no under any time pressure. 
Until the next time..........................