Wednesday, September 09, 2020

I Am Sore - Working Through It

Yesterday was sunny with a high of 27C with a humidex of 30C. It was muggy until the wind came up and then the humidity dropped. This morning it was 13C, foggy, and very damp. It is suppose to be another lovely day when the fog burns off.  


It was a busy day yesterday. The Spousal Unit picked tomatoes for a person who will arrive tomorrow to their new home. We still have a lot of tomatoes to pick and freeze. 
I spent time in the house cleaning. The fridge got the outside cleaned and is shining. No streak or dirt marks on it. I also cleaned the bank of cupboards beside the fridge. A few things got tossed, a few things are going to the thrift shop, and everything got organized. There is space in the upper cupboard if I need more storage space. It feels good having that job done. 
While climbing up and down the little step ladder, my hip/leg issue flared up. It was painful and I hobbled around the rest of the day but didn't give up. I stretched it really good last night and it is better today. Tired with some soreness that will leave with time. I have to keep moving through these spells to help it get stronger. 
We had no new cases of the virus reported yesterday. School started yesterday and there were 10 children (K-5) catching the bus at the end of our street. All were/are wearing masks and were great at putting them on. The older students catch the bus in a different location and all were/are wearing masks. The new normal for school.  


I spent some quality time taking grandson's masks apart, making them narrower across the face and resewing them back together. 
I did look briefly at the mess before I hobbled out. The plan is to work on the cutting table -- sew piping for daughter, press and fold fabrics for future projects, and things tossed on it put away. I'm sure it will take a few days to get to the bottom of that mess. I'll post a before picture for sure. 


I found a needle of the right size and knit close to 20 rows on the sleeve. I'm happy with my progress and hope to finish the sleeve soon. It is so much easier to knit on needles that aren't worn out. 
Testing patterns for both knitting and sewing have been slow. I don't crochet so no new knitting patterns. Sewing patterns have been for smaller dolls that I don't own. I continue to look every couple of days for a pattern to sew or knit. 


Laundry needs to be done, we have to be out to deliver tomatoes and masks, and I will fill in the rest of the time cleaning the sewing room and knitting on the sweater. 
Until the next time...............................