Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Quick And Easy Quilt

 Yesterday was another lovely sunny fall day with a high of 17C. This morning it 7C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 19C. 


I had a flare up since last week. It was much better yesterday with some pain but nothing I couldn't handle. I alternated between resting and doing things. 

I started off the morning slowly with stripping the bed and getting the sheets into the washer. I then sat and folded clothes. I put them away and knew I could do more as time went on. The bed was made late in the afternoon and I had no issues with soreness.

I decided to make a pot of chicken soup for lunches.

What started out as soup ended up as chicken stew. I put 10 meals into the freezer. 

It wasn't too hard to make and I was able to pace myself with several breaks. By lunch time, the kitchen was cleaned up, the containers cooled, labeled and in the freezer. Next week, I want to make a pot of stew to freeze. 

I did sit with the heat on my piriformis muscle as it seemed to be the sorest of all. It helped a lot and I was able to keep moving after 45 minutes of heat. 


I decided to work on the quilt as it would give me regular up and down from the machine to the ironing board. I puttered away the blocks and before I knew it, it was time to lay them out. Here it is ready to sew the blocks into rows. 

I cannot believe how easy this quilt is to make. I let go of trying to be perfect when trimming them to 16.5". I got an idea of where to trim each side and went for it. 

I did the sewing and the trimming assembly line which is unusual for me. This quilt asked to be done this way. Will I make it again? Absolutely. I would make it bigger also by having 5 blocks across and 5 down. That would make an 80 x 80" quilt. 

When laying out the quilt, I decided that the prints couldn't be together. It wasn't hard to get that accomplished. Actually, I got it on my first try. 

When done to this point, I went upstairs and put heat on my hip. Laying the quilt out on the floor caused some pain and I wanted to deal with it right away. 


The yarn is out to wind for the next pair of socks. I didn't knit last night. I did miss it. 


    I realized that the flare up I had started last Wednesday. Just twinges of it. Osteopathy on Thursday was good but the muscles started to rebel. I should have rested but didn't. My fault foraging ahead to get vegetables into the freezer. I think my SI joint unseated on Sunday when I was pulling out the leeks. At least I got it seated again Sunday night and am feeling so much better today. 

    I enjoyed cooking freezer meals yesterday. Next up is beef stew and then I will do pork chops and chicken and rice. I do like having a variety of meals in the freezer and when done the above, I hope that I will have enough for a month. I also want to make soups for lunch as I need to use up the chicken broth in the freezer. With the weather cooling off, I can eat soup again.


I am going to vacuum the upstairs this morning. I will go slowly taking a few breaks. I hope to go get some groceries before lunch. I will sew the quilt together this afternoon. I have to wind yarn and start knitting socks tonight. It is another day of getting my hip ready for physio tomorrow. 

Until the next time.....................................................................

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