Monday, September 30, 2024

Fighting With The Dress

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 19C. This morning it is partly cloudy and 13C. Today is suppose to be mix of sun and cloud with a high of 20C. 


I was late getting to the painting as I was doing some deep thinking and searching. But, I did get the walls sanded, wiped, and the cutting in done on two walls. The first wall had a lot of extra cutting in to be done as there was a window, plug in, and electric baseboard heater to deal with. 

The second wall had plug ins which was quicker to do. 

I did not realize how dark this room was until I started to paint. It faces north and was gloomy to paint. I am sure it will be brighter when I start to roll the paint on the walls. 

I finished the painting and clean up just before 12:30 and was tired. I had lunch and rested for an hour. It was good to get the job done without too much pain in my hip. 


I went to the sewing room in the afternoon and worked on the Swedish dress. It was a case of almost giving up but I persisted. I think I need to do a bit of pattern drafting. 

I got the godets in the front and then did the ruffle. I fought sewing the princess seam and getting the godet in nicely. I was virtually an hour getting it to look okay. 

I am not looking forward to doing the other side at all. This has been a continuous fight since I started sewing it together. I won't sew the dress again but will do elements of it. The bodice and the ruffle yes but the skirt no until I get the godet piece redone to my liking. 


I knit on the sock again last night. It is growing quickly and will soon be done. 

I have been waiting for the Rolling Yarn Shop's October calendar to come out so I can visit her for yarn to finish the Grinch socks. I need to finish them so I can be ready to start the next pair. 


    My deep thinking and searching was about what I have accomplished so far this year. I know one thing about myself. If I focus I succeed. If I don't, I wander off doing other things. I need to make plans to follow each day to get a lot accomplished. 

    I looked at my spreadsheet for sewing and saw the same theme there. On the months I was focused, I bought next to nothing and on the months I wasn't, I bought things I really didn't need; just things I wanted. It isn't because I can't afford them, they just become stash and need to be sewn at some point. The purchases I bought to finish projects were sewn immediately, others were put away to do projects this winter, and one was a stupid and impulsive purchase that I have to deal with. It reminds me of my old buying habits. 

    At the end of August, I had sewn 7.1 meters of fabric more than I had bought. I looked at the stash -- bins and shelving unit -- and didn't see a huge dent in what was on/in them. It was depressing. I also realized I had to make 2 bags for daughter to donate. I had to put aside other sewing to get those done. I am always happy to donate items as the money helps the club or some charity. Having to stop my sewing made me think off and on for part of August. I needed to stop buying fabric and sew up what I had. I needed to focus. 

    My first thing was to plan what I wanted to cut and sew for September. It all had to come out of the stash. It worked as I was focused on the stash. I got those items made and then cut out more. As of today I will have finished all but one of those items. I have sewn 16.3 meters more than I have bought. I am looking at the stash making plans for the next batch of items to cut out and sew. 

    Will I buy fabric between now and the end of December? Yes as I have two quilt backs and a bit of fabric for gifts to buy. Will I buy extra fabric? Maybe one or two pieces for a project that I will be making later on this year/early next year. Other than that, I will be focusing on the stash and trying to get it sewn down. 

    I think I will choose a word to live by next year. It will be "focus".


I am going to roll paint on the two walls this morning. After lunch, I want to try and finish the doll's dress and tonight I will knit on the socks. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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