Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another Good Appointment

 Yesterday was warm and sunny with a high of 28C (humidex 32C). This morning it is 12C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 26C (humidex 30C).


I spent the morning cleaning up most of the living room. Blankets were washed, couches cleaned, and the floor swept. There was dirt and cat hair from me neglecting this area. It looks much better now that I have done the cleaning. I will be doing more to that area as time goes on. I also cleaned the washer and dryer which was covered with dust and had a lot of finger prints on it. It is so much nicer being cleaned even if the closet doors are closed. 

I went to the hardware store and made an appointment for their repair man to look at my fridge. I want to get a price from that person to see if is worth keeping or getting rid of this fridge. He will come out in early October. 

After lunch I was to the Wellness Center at the hospital. The physiotherapist and I talked about where I have come from and where I am now. My file was sent to provincial health authorities to be a part of a larger data base. I am healthy and strong and was discharged from the program. It was recommended that I continue to see physio and osteopathy due to the issues I have had with my hip. I can return to the Wellness Center if I need a hip/knee replacement. I can get two sessions on preparing for a replacement. 

I did garbage and recycle when I got home and it was really warm. Recycle and compost went to the curb for pick up. I really felt the heat draining the energy from me. When I cooled off inside, I fell asleep and had woke up about an hour later. 


None done yesterday. I did watch the third video on sewing on the bias (Sewing With Cinnamon). I did learn a lot about how to take a pattern and do it on the bias. I may use my coupon this month to buy one of the patterns she showed how to put on the bias. 


I knit a lot last night. The first sock is done to the toe. 

The second sock has 10 rounds done on it. I need to get the yarn for the toes. 


    I was over tired yesterday due to the heat plus not sleeping well Tuesday. The house was too warm all night. Tonight is to be another warmer night and I will be sleeping with the a/c on. With the tiredness comes other issues like not wanting to eat properly. I really need to take care of myself so I can continue to be healthy. 

    I need to do some more freezer meals. I have spaghetti sauce left and want some variety. I am thinking of a chicken dish and a Shepards pie. With the weather cooling off once again I will be able to do some cooking. 

    I watched a few videos on grocery shopping in Nova Scotia. Food prices are high and this person shows how she can shop for 2 on a budget. I need to think about shopping again. I mainly do one store only. I am going to read the flyers and do more stores even if I have to shop in New Minas or Sackville. I also need to work on meal planning so I have meals to heat up. I do enjoy having them in the freezer. 


I have osteopathy this morning and will do a bit of shopping in Sackville after I am done. I hope to finish the hand sewing on the cushion cover this afternoon and knit tonight. The last day of appointments for this week. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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